This is my language teaching thread!! It's true! It's true! (721)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 15:18 ID:Tg9qORd+

Hi, loving everyone!^^ I'm 19years old, a Japanese Otaku.
I'm a high school graduate who is preparing for another chance to enter a college.(This is called "Rounin" in Japan, a masterless Samurai is also called "Rounin".)
I made every effort to enter college, but college refused me, because I couldn't read/write English well.

So, I want you to speak to me easily, and point out my wrong.
You can ask me everything! I'm not a grim person.^^ I love you all.(^ε^)
come on! come on everybody!

Do you think this sentences childish?

I like WWE,progressive rock. thanks for reading

472 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-05 01:09 ID:1BYrEDmv

Japanese is a very phonetically poor language. I'm guessing that's why it's hard to learn foreign pronunciation.
Japanese have to resort to breaking down strange words into easy-to-read kana.

473 Name: 1 : 2007-09-05 02:14 ID:Heaven

Sorry to have kept you waiting. = Sorry that I have kept you waiting. = Sorry for having kept you waiting.

Hello, meimaggie! Nice to meet you!

>dare dedeshou = 誰でしょう = だれでしょう

This sentence does not include the subject(the Japanese subject. I'm not sure that this grammatical work can be apply to the English sentence). So this sentence can be read several ways. When I read this one sentence, I will interpret it as '私は誰でしょう(= Who am I)'.
After all, I cannot conclude accurately.

誰(だれ) = who
でしょう = deshou
'deshou' is a little complex. MORI Hiroshi(my favorite mystery writer) says that 'deshou' is a conjugation of 'desu'.
"~でしょう" means question and presumption. In this case, 'でしょう' is used as question.

Hello! I haven't seen you in about two weeks!
You are so positive! Please ask me anything! I'll reply within my range.

u r such a nerd!!!

>I guess they don't have any real-life experience?

Me too!

>how's your pronounciation?

Unfortunately, I seldom have chance to speak English. And I cannot speak English quickly.
When I was walking around Nippon-bashi, I was spoken to by a woman like you. She was looking for a bag with casters.(My sister had that bag. She writes manga. the genre is 'yaoi'!)
I could understand what she said, but I couldn't tell her where she could get it.

474 Name: 1 : 2007-09-05 02:18 ID:Heaven

Oh, I think I can tell 'r' from 'l' in their pronunciation. Pronunciation of a vowel is more difficult for me.

475 Name: meimaggie : 2007-09-06 00:57 ID:X7rMcBEw

>>473 thanks for that... the phrase kinda was ambiguous

476 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-06 02:01 ID:nOEmVrfV

> u r such a nerd!!

I'm struck!

Also I don't understand でしょう and だろう really, but I haven't seen them in what I've read lately.

> Me too!

When you're replying to a negative sentence, it's "Me neither". I'm not sure how you tell.

477 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-06 05:58 ID:kpOCrDVA

だろう said by itself can mean "Isn't it?" or something to that effect.

478 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-07 02:07 ID:nOEmVrfV

Yeah, but everything in Japanese means that.

479 Name: 1 : 2007-09-07 04:26 ID:Heaven

I found a good example of 'deshou'.


Check the lyrics!!

480 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-07 15:50 ID:lOfAwXmO


481 Name: config.sys : 2007-09-07 22:02 ID:Heaven

Hello 1! My vacation has ended since monday. :( I've been very busy, this is the last year of school for me. I do still want to continue to learn the language though! I don't really know anything specific to ask, mainly because I haven't had the time to continue learning... But tommorow I'll continue. I'd still like to keep contact either way. Because, in this thread, I mainly speak to you it would be the easiest for me to communicate via e-mail. If you want, you could send a mail to (I don't worry about spam and stuff since this is my 'spam address' so to speak. :) I will come back here though, of course.

Also, I typed this all from my Wii. has a tired wrist now ;)

482 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-08 05:22 ID:5jXytSKm


> My sister ... writes manga. the genre is 'yaoi'!

I could not possibly be any less interested in the genre, but I am curious about her illustrations, solely based on artistic merit.

483 Name: meimaggie : 2007-09-09 19:06 ID:D39CaO5K

>>482 ...interesting...

484 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-10 06:50 ID:Heaven


>solely based on artistic merit.


485 Name: config.sys : 2007-09-21 14:07 ID:Heaven

Still there? Another two weeks have passed. :( We want to hear about you and your sister's yaoi manga! ;)

486 Name: 1 : 2007-09-22 12:44 ID:7b70PmHT

I'm here! I sould become more serious. Sorry.
I was going to study for qualification, but it'll be hard to pass. So I compromise here, and absorb in two things. One is English study, and another is programming.

You can distinguish those characters by those stroke order.

Hello, config.sys. I want to exchange emails with you. But if I don't reply for a long time, it'll be pretty rude to you. So I want to communicate with you in this thread.
From now on, I'll post here everyday. Someday, posting on this thread will become my custom!

I've never seen my sister's manga. I had not been able to talk with her for a long time. Recently, I come to talk with.
So, I'll ask her for her illustrations. I hope it will satisfy you.

Are you interested in yaoi? What do you think of this? It got popularity in 2ch!

487 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 13:46 ID:UnyldORy


488 Name: 1 : 2007-09-22 14:41 ID:Heaven


mmmm......You already know, don't you?

489 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 02:42 ID:5jXytSKm

Oh, Yaranaika.

Never change.

490 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 12:01 ID:r7GVOjDt


491 Name: 1 : 2007-09-24 10:52 ID:Heaven


It's a little cold in Sendai. The highest temperature during the day is about 23 degree centigrade. I should prepare for autumn!

How about this?!

I want to be an elementary school teacher :)

492 Name: config.sys : 2007-09-24 16:17 ID:Heaven

Ah, that's okay. We'll just speak here, then.

It isn't nice weather here either. I'm actually ill at the moment. :(

Programming is very cool. Not many girls are interested in it... So you're going to teach programming at an elemantary school? ;)

Heh, the anime seems interesting. I read that it starts in october. Are you going to watch it?

493 Name: 1 : 2007-09-25 02:26 ID:Heaven


>So you're going to teach programming at an elemantary school?

Maybe there isn't a class of programming at an elementary school in Japan. Alas..

>Heh, the anime seems interesting.

It is called ペドアニメ(pedophilian animation). But in an anime and the reality, I think it differs a little.

>I read that it starts in october. Are you going to watch it?


By the way, config.sys, I want to know more about you! Does your house have a windmill? Do you always wear boots made from wood? How about your college? What would you do in the future?
There are many many many questions!


494 Name: config.sys : 2007-09-25 20:16 ID:Heaven

Hi 1! How are you doing?

>Maybe there isn't a class of programming at an elementary school in Japan. Alas..

Yeah, that was my point. But it's interesting either way, maybe when you get into it you'll even change your mind.

>Does your house have a windmill?

Not at all. Holland is a very crowded place, you know. It's very small, but there are quite a lot of people living here. The result is that there isn't much space for anyone. I live in a village near a city, in a medium sized house next to a line of more of those houses. There's no way there would fit a windmill in the small garden. :)

>Do you always wear boots made from wood?

Every country has a lot of stories about cultural things of the past. Usually, when you actually visit the country it's different than you've heard it to be, and more 'normal' than you had expected. I think Japan is a little bit of an exception, it seems to me that it likes to keep its cultural traditions. In Holland though, people mostly wear the same things as in America I guess, and there aren't any special times when you wear traditional clothing. I don't think I've ever worn those boots made of wood ('klompen') actually (but they don't seem very comfortable ;). But I do have to say there are more old-fashioned parts, especially in the north, where people still have farms and windmills - and where people wear klompen. So it's still there.

>How about your college? What would you do in the future?

Hmmm... Since I was little I've always been interested in games and the development of it. There are colleges for that here, so I might choose that. I've put quite some time in learning how to make games, and I think I'm able to make one as I can make the program, music and graphics myself - but I haven't finished a proper game in my whole life! I hope this will change soon though, I have plans for an abstract acion game, and I'm really motivated to actually produce this to show what I'm capable of. Do you know Tetris: The Grand Master series? I was thinking of a kind of style to make it in, and I'm quite inspired by it. I have seen how fast Japanese players are, so I will be sure to put a Japanese language mode in it. Maybe you can help to translate it then? (This is at some point in the future, I have no idea when this is as school should be my priority. orz)

>There are many many many questions!

Bring them on! ;)

495 Name: 1 : 2007-10-01 16:25 ID:Heaven

Hello! I cought a cold.

I'm sorry, but I'm still writing...Sorry, please wait.

496 Name: 1 : 2007-10-01 16:39 ID:Heaven

oh! I made a mistake.

cought -> caught
Japanese English pronunciation brought it. It's not my fault :)

497 Name: config.sys : 2007-10-08 18:43 ID:Heaven

Hmm, I've never thought of the time you'd need to write a post. So, take your time! :) Did you have a good weekend?

498 Name: 1 : 2007-10-08 21:45 ID:Heaven

Hi. I check here everyday, but I cannot write everyday...
I'm sorry. It's my fault.

499 Name: config.sys : 2007-10-09 16:32 ID:Heaven

Again, it doesn't matter.

I do have a question for you... You have the わ and は character, but sometimes the は is used instead of the わ. An example is: こんいちは, konnichi ha. Does the は change its pronunciation when it's used as a particle?

500 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-12 05:40 ID:tVVzMHCi

Yes, it's pronounced as わ as a particle. Similarly へ is pronounced 'e' if you feel like it (most people do) and を is pronounced 'o' (most people don't).

501 Name: config.sys : 2007-10-12 11:38 ID:Heaven

Okay, thanks!

502 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-16 13:43 ID:nVljFwVk

503 Post deleted.

504 Name: Default : 2007-10-19 19:37 ID:93T39TEv

Suck it.

505 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 23:23 ID:MeTO6hHS

506 Name: config.sys : 2007-11-05 21:23 ID:NPuXaFlK

Hmm... will you have time to post again soon, >>1?

507 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-06 04:29 ID:4Fpkd8SG

I love you, 1.

508 Name: 1 : 2007-11-06 22:10 ID:Heaven


Me too

509 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-07 06:10 ID:4Fpkd8SG

How have you been recently?

510 Name: 1 : 2007-11-07 09:57 ID:Heaven

I have been busy with my club activity. I belong to the club which the members make a plane flown by human strength.


But don't ask me anything about it, I do not know anything!

511 Name: Anti-Squeeks : 2007-11-07 13:48 ID:jz4HVgxy


512 Name: 1 : 2007-11-07 13:50 ID:Heaven

I know that word, niggerfaggot.

513 Name: config.sys : 2007-11-07 18:32 ID:NPuXaFlK

Hey, welcome back.

Gah, I haven't studied Japanese enough to understand most of that. (I promise I will understand soon, though. I wish I was as sophisticated as you...) So in response to the little I understood: don't be sorry and post whenever you feel like it or have time to. It doesn't have any priority. It's nice that you still look at the messages here!

That looks impressive, has that ever been achieved before? I'm going to keep an eye on that project.

Haha, that combination of words made me laugh. :) I don't think I've ever heard that before... And don't mind trolls like Anti-Squeeks.

514 Name: 1 : 2007-11-07 22:24 ID:Heaven

Good morning to each and everyone of you. :)

Thanks, I do want to study English more! But I cannot find a clue to study. Because I'm a college student. There is not a 'study model'. Studying by oneself is not so easy.

>That looks impressive, has that ever been achieved before? I'm going to keep an eye on that project.

We won the 2nd place this year. And last year, we won the 1st place.(Though I wasn't concerned with them.^^;) It is the project promoted by one telecasting corporation.

515 Name: Anti-Squeeks : 2007-11-08 13:42 ID:Bd5CcZCJ

>>514 Niglet, drink bleach and join the white race.

516 Name: 1 : 2007-11-08 15:10 ID:Heaven

Hey, I'm a yellow one. But I wanna join the white race.
I want to born again as a white woman with blonde hair in the next world :)

517 Name: The G-Man : 2007-11-09 00:41 ID:59R9nAic

The Japanese people in this thread write English quite well.

How's your pronunciation, though? Since Japanese is extremely simple phonemically, good pronunciation won't come easily...

However, English isn't so hard to speak, as it doesn't have many sounds which are difficult to pronounce per se, such as uvular sounds and trills.

I could, however, create a YouTube account with videos explaining the basics of English pronunciation if anyone wants me to.

518 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-09 09:45 ID:tEdsvPqL


The guttural English Rrr
and the thorn th Þ and the are so much harder to pronounce than trills IMO.

519 Name: Anti-Squeeks : 2007-11-09 12:04 ID:Ip0GAMY/


Good. Thats the spirit.

520 Name: The G-Man : 2007-11-09 15:12 ID:59R9nAic


Really? Do you speak English natively or as a second language?

I found the 'th' sounds quite easy. The only thing I ever found slightly difficult with English pronunciation was a few odd combinations of with 'r' in American rhotic pronuncation, though that goes smoothly now.

Point being, though, that mostly, English isn't very hard to speak once you get the jest of it.

Also, guttural R? Never heard of an English accent with a guttural R... English R is usually alveolar, though the R in German and some Norwegian dialects is guttural (uvular, to be precise).

English is pretty free from guttural sounds in general (I wouldn't call H guttural), with Scottish loan word 'loch', and German Bach being some of the few exceptions I can think of.

521 Name: 1 : 2007-11-09 19:17 ID:Heaven


How about his English? (立花隆 Takashi Tachibana)

BTW, I smoke and drink recently. And listen to jazz artists like Bill Evans. Because I am influenced by hardboiled novels! Am I cool?

522 Name: config.sys : 2007-11-10 14:58 ID:NPuXaFlK


>How about his English? (立花隆 Takashi Tachibana)

Hmm, it was hard to hear because of the Japanese dub, but what I heard sounded good.

>BTW, I smoke and drink recently. And listen to jazz artists like Bill Evans. Because I am influenced by hardboiled novels! Am I cool?

Heh. Is it cool to be influenced? Drinking and smoking doesn't change the status of one's coolness in my opinion (I personally don't smoke because it's harmful and addictive). Jazz music, on the other hand... ;)

523 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-11 01:16 ID:Heaven

> Is it cool to be influenced? Drinking and smoking doesn't change the status of one's coolness in my opinion


524 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-11 08:47 ID:Heaven

Welcome to the internet.

525 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-20 10:36 ID:FQulErI6

Good evening. While browsing around I came across your thread.
There seems to be a number of similar threads like yours whose goals are improving one's English skills. Of course most of them are non-natives.
But I think they evevtually ended in failure to let their thread last long because they don't have perseverance.
They tend to give up easily.
So I look up to you in that respect.
You created this thread about 9 months ago and you're still active. That's an admirable thing. Keep it up.

From an anonymous English learner.

526 Name: 1 : 2007-11-20 11:24 ID:Heaven


527 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-21 21:36 ID:NPuXaFlK

Indeed! Now let's go for the 1000.

528 Name: 1 : 2007-11-22 11:07 ID:Heaven

It snowed today!


529 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-07 02:16 ID:nOEmVrfV


Well, try not to read too many Haruki Murakami novels. They're unhealthy.

(Though apparently he writes like he's translating from English?)

530 Name: 1 : 2007-12-07 07:53 ID:Heaven

I don't like them. I like Kenji Tsuchiya and Kyusaku Yumeno!


531 Name: 1 : 2007-12-24 11:48 ID:Heaven

Happy hollydays!

532 Name: 1 : 2007-12-24 11:49 ID:Heaven

Oh, I made a mistake. Happy holidays! 今日はクリスマスです。

533 Name: 1 : 2007-12-24 11:51 ID:Heaven


534 Name: config.sys : 2007-12-24 12:41 ID:NPuXaFlK

It has snowed here too! ...but it's gone already.

Happy holidays, >>1.

535 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-24 23:09 ID:ISjh1MTx


536 Name: 1 : 2007-12-25 01:32 ID:Heaven



537 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-25 06:08 ID:gIS9aGqY

Murakami is good, but I've only read his short stories. You know who's good? Natsuo Kirino.

538 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-25 12:51 ID:Heaven


539 Name: 1 : 2007-12-25 13:38 ID:Heaven


540 Name: 1 : 2007-12-25 13:47 ID:Heaven


541 Name: config.sys : 2007-12-25 19:07 ID:Heaven

Japanese is hard... ;__;

542 Name: 1 : 2007-12-26 01:03 ID:Heaven

Ik wil een Nederlandse taal een weinig zien!
Hoe gaat u begin het jaar doen?

543 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-26 10:35 ID:Heaven

If they would just abolish Kanji it would be relatively easy.

544 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-26 18:33 ID:NPuXaFlK

No, then it would be hard to see what each word means, given the many homonyms.

Haha, geen probleem! Ik heb geen voornemens, behalve dat ik projecten die ik begin eens af wil maken, voor de verandering. En ik ga nog eens serieus proberen Japans verder te leren. Wat ben jij van plan?

545 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-27 02:39 ID:Heaven

That's what Koreans thought about getting rid of hanja.

546 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-27 12:25 ID:Heaven

Right, like how it's so hard to figure this out when you're listening to it. Idiot.

547 Name: 1 : 2007-12-31 15:18 ID:Heaven

Happy new year!


548 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-31 18:36 ID:Heaven

cums in your eye

549 Name: conhigu.sisu : 2007-12-31 22:04 ID:NPuXaFlK

A happy new year too! Although I'm still in 2007 for another hour...

550 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-02 16:20 ID:Heaven


551 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-02 19:39 ID:Heaven

comes in jars

552 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-03 04:12 ID:pfLaz+7a


Have you tried to play Mother 3?

553 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-03 10:20 ID:NPuXaFlK

No. Although I'd want to, my Japanese skills really are not good enough for that. But I take it's kana only? That would simplify some things.

And well... I know many games don't use kanji, but I thought it would limit things in some way. But I guess I'm wrong about that? Is kanji actually useless? asks >>1

554 Name: 1 : 2008-01-03 11:00 ID:Heaven

No. Kanji is very useful.



555 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-03 13:55 ID:Heaven

Honestly the primary drawback of kana-only is that people don't currently put in spaces. Put in spaces, most of the problem vanishes.

556 Name: 1 : 2008-01-03 14:58 ID:Heaven

たしかに おっしゃる とおり かもしれません。
がいこくご として まなぶには こちらのほうが よほど らく でしょうね。

557 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-03 20:32 ID:Heaven


How do you deal with the plethora of homonyms?

558 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-03 20:53 ID:LHOUcrUF

くっき を あげました。

559 Name: 1 : 2008-01-04 04:29 ID:Heaven

クッキー? 誰かにあげたの? 揚げたの?

560 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-04 13:47 ID:Heaven

The same way you do it when you're listening to the language. With a brain.

561 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-08 10:35 ID:BixWXPnz


I found that quite easy myself - especially with as many particles as Japanese has.

562 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-08 16:17 ID:9P4+EPVx

Wu bist du?

563 Post deleted.

564 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-08 20:35 ID:Heaven

Thanks for attracting weeaboos OP.

565 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-08 22:41 ID:6aCXl0Vm


566 Name: NB : 2008-01-08 23:48 ID:Heaven

If you got rid of kanji, how many cubic miles of landfill would be needed to replace all the signs in Tokyo?

Also, the idea of spacing in a language is more varied than I ever imagined before reading these Wikipedia articles.

The Japanese way of writing without spaces is known as scripta continua to people who know what they're talking about. Use this term to sound smart when talking about the kanji problem.

It seems that ancient Latin and Greek used to be written this way too. And lots of sentences ended in est as a copula, the way desu does now. Hmmm, I wonder.

567 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-09 02:36 ID:Heaven

For that reason, and many other reasons you have to admit Japanese is very primitive. Really I've been thinking about learning a moonspeak from time to time, some part of it doesn't seem hard but there are a lot of difference in them. Maybe I'm better off learning languages that aren't much different then move eastward maybe learning Chinese, an uncommon second language in western culture.

568 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-09 03:19 ID:+NA4Ye4s

Problem with Chinese (any dialect) is that it's hard to know where to start.

Japanese shares many characteristics with many other languages, both "ancient" languages like Latin and "modern" ones like English. Considering the human race has been speaking for at least 50,000 years, 2,000 years isn't long enough to make one language more primitive than another.

What are the characteristics of a modern language, compared to an ancient one?

569 Name: 1 : 2008-01-09 09:03 ID:Heaven

Are you a scholar or something?

570 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-13 23:23 ID:tg2aoBbD

Hi. I'm also from Japan.

Are you really sure you weren't able to read English well enough to pass entrance exams? As 19 year-old Japanese go, you write/wrote English pretty well, imo. I think there are many more people who are/were admitted to college at lower level than you are. Hmm. I guess you are the kind of person who gets nervous when taking tests... So I suggest you take STEP tests, pre 1st/2nd level, I mean, when you have a chance. You can get used to such atmosphere.

Good luck with your entrance exams.

571 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-14 14:19 ID:h9uneU/I

Please GO, weeaboos!

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