This is my language teaching thread!! It's true! It's true! (721)

677 Name: config : 2008-07-18 10:32 ID:Heaven

It was very nice. It was basically what I expected (something really American) but I was surprised by the nice atmosphere which is found in most streets and parks. Also, for some reason they sell Pocky and other Japanese candy in most grocery stores. Weird, huh?

>I think this net slang is a little old.

It is old? Ah... I guess it's a bit like with "lol", which is most used ironically nowadays. (Well, some people still use it, but many people think this is annoying.) So what is a good alternative?


I'll be sure to use that sentence sometime!


I like the battle system a lot, too. Yes, games are addicting, but let's say we see it as "research" I do for my new study! ;)

>What do you think about that? Have you concerned in drugs?

Hmmm... I think it's handled in a pretty good way like this. People should decide for themselves if they want to use a drugs like that. Personally I'm not interested in it, it's hard enough to keep myself sane without them! :)

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