Living Space Design (16)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-09 16:14 ID:Heaven

I like to stick to simple, utilitarian furniture in general, with just a couple of things that look really good. When people pick out each item to look interesting, it gets kinda overwhelming, or maybe looks cluttered. And I don't liike having stuff that's not up against the wall, except perhaps a coffee table in the middle of a big lounge. I just like clean, open rooms.

Except... all my shelves and stuff are full, so I have piles of books and paper all over the floor, and other random objects that there's no room for. I suggest you avoid that, it's a pain in the ass. I'm too lazy (and poor) to get new shelves though.

Oh, I like lights as well. You can totally change a room with good lighting. And now I'm going to stop, 'cause I sound really gay.

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