[Weather} Damn it's hot [Global Wanging] (8)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-18 23:27 ID:B1dMc8qc

Remember, kiddies. "Global Warming" is religion, not science.

Any and all empirical or anecdotal evidence that can be found or fabricated in favor of it is proof of it.

Any and all empirical evidence to the contrary also supports it, because if it were not true it would not be necessary to have conspiracies to hide the truth.

And when you remove all contradictions from all the messages of all religions--whether it is the Western dead-Jew-on-a-stick, the deathcultists of Al-Lah the Moon God, various Eastern forms of navelgazing and pseudoprofundity, or environmentalism, what remains is clear: God, or Gaia, wants YOUR money. The priests know what's best and want to tell YOU how to live, and they will use all of their power to gain more power, the better to exercise power over YOU.

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