4-ch is a failed experiment (171)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-06 05:43 ID:tOwpMgTs

The really popular sites on western internet are youtube, myspace and facebook - all about you you you: "Look at me, I have two thousand myspace friends. Everyone reads my Youtube blog. I am so cool. I am so popular." Named forums have been called gardens of vanity. As a n00b, you must kiss your moderators ass on a regular basis. It's expected. All this has been blamed on the Self-esteem movement which told kids they were special, even if they weren't. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17349066/

Compare that to Japanese culture where kids are treasured but not told they're special or better than anyone else. Creates a very different social environment.

In Japan the real Densha Otoko never came forward and the story is in the public domain. If that story happened in America, he'd have gone on Oprah, Jerry Springer, be hanging out with Hollywood celebs, would have laywers suing anyone who infringed on "his brand" and his marriage would now be on the rocks, and he would be dating Paris Hilton.

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