Criticism of Porno Industry (48)

10 Name: hmnmmm : 2007-10-22 05:34 ID:n3IjTwIh

Anyway, pedofags are reviled as perverts around the world, because they pounce on the helpless and the naive when they're helpless and naive. (Some of the countries of the Islamic world may be an exception, but who cares about the Islamic world? those folks also practice female genital mutilation, and they blow up shrines, skyscrapers, and each other; they subjugate women and call it equality and honoring the women, and so on and so forth. Besides, it is well known that their prophet Muhammad married a 9-year-old, which may explain why the Muslim world has so much pedoperversion. Also, it explains why Michael Jackson was so eager to move to Bahrain.)

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