4-ch > 4chan (25)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-16 09:46 ID:Heaven

How do you measure retardedness? I prefer 4-ch because it's slow-paced and text-only. There's less bots and less trolls, as well as a better administration.

As for /b/, /b/ used to be fun before it got so much known. Now /b/ is used to promote films, music, advertise, and several other crap people with an agenda will do. Do you think advertisers and others haven't realized the possibilities /b/ offers? I would say 4chans /b/ is already dead. The rest of the boards might soon follow, if they ever become more popular. I wouldn't know either way because I do not visit them, least to say about monitoring their traffic.

4-ch has less room for this crap, for now. I always move from community to community when I find that the current community I'm in became too popular -- popularity brings a lot of crap with it.

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