Tell us your deepest secrets you'd never want anyone to know! (102)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-05 01:30 ID:homU0lET

Haha, I'm afraid to post this because the feds will come after me, but oh well.

I'm a pedophile sympathizer. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I think it's natural, and that the "damage" adult/child sex causes is culturally constructed. I feel the current stigma against pedophiles has sexiest, ageist, and racist roots, and, like all sexual taboos, is used to control people. It's part of a larger demonization of child sexuality, which is based in misinformation and false ideals that arose during the Victorian era. I would like to see pedophilia become an accepted orientation and the abolishment of age of consent laws.

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