Does anyone here live in the past/reject modernism? (24)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-10-05 21:15 ID:J1rhoN1F

I'm talking like, your house is decorated like your favorite era, you use all the technology from then and refuse to use anything new, you might even black out current events and basically become a psychological hikikomori.
I have sorta been this way my whole life, considering I was a hikikomori since 12, but I would read the news and keep up with the latest media and technology so I always felt in the present.
At this moment I am so sick and fed up with the modern world all I want to do is become a full-blown hikikomori and live the rest of my life as if it's 1990 - 2006.
I'm homeless atm, but once I move into some place I'm going to decorate the place like my apartment with my okaasan was back in the early 00s.
I will only use a CRT tv, consoles up to the 7th gen and games up to 2007.
For music I will only use physical media such as cds and vinyl.
I will never expose myself to anything modern and if I ever go outside to go to somewhere I'll blindfold and wear earmuffs until I reach the destination.

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