modern search engines are garbage (71)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-02 10:49 ID:aW5XEw5o

People have also seemed to lose a major fraction of their thinking skills when it comes to being online. They want all of these stupid algorithms to think of their content for them. They can't even do basic thought processes and want to just chum through life with a mundane prescence that's stale as shit. I definitely miss the days of hanging out with a bunch of my friends all sitting on our desktops exploring the web and dragging around our heavy ass CRT monitors just so all of us can do our own thing then later on we'd have a LAN party. Same when we decided to take over our local internet cafe just for RuneScape trolling in the wildy in the mid 2000s. Calling WoW players, "fucking faggots" and to meet us in the wildy if they were real men. Oh, how I miss the days of ultimate cringe. Even the times we all got kicked out for jacking off to hentai and having contests to see who could cum first to fanart of Misty and May's tits first while battling each other on our FireRed and LeafGreen games.

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