Hobbies @ 4-ch

Do you do something enjoyable away from the computer from time to time? If it's a hobby, and it doesn't belong on another board, talk about it.
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1: I have 3 months to live. Come say goodbye (18) 2: Board games (34) 3: Smoking (72) 4: [Nighttime] Amateur Astronomy/Stargazing [Comfy] (16) 5: profit from games and anime and comic (6) 6: Masturbation (11) 7: I'd like to learn guitar. ._. (15) 8: Hunting the Undead (54) 9: [Food] General Recipe Thread [Cooking] (16) 10: Shortwave Radio/SWL/DXing (11) 11: POV sex/ cyber sex (11) 12: My hobby is stalking (23) 13: feedback please (6) 14: Help me choose a new hobby (103) 15: Chemistry (9) 16: THE FUTURE OF TEXTBOARDS, IN http://fart.ga/ !! (3) 17: Firearm Thread (5) 18: What do you think this dance movie ? (3) 19: Smoking. (5) 20: How do I learn to cook? (11) 21: Otaku? (19) 22: Mutual teach (2) 23: [criminal][fun] vial brew (2) 24: ITT: What food made you sick/stomach pain, but it was worth it? (16) 25: Any good birdwatching websites? (10) 26: Homebrew / DIY alcohol thread (8) 27: Please help! I don't want to be an otaku anymore! (159) 28: Go/Baduk/Weiqi (12) 29: HAM Radio questions (6) 30: 8 Steps To Becoming A Weaboo (19) 31: Easy, Simple Yet Useful Recipees [n00bs] (44) 32: (6) 33: Guitar and Bass questions (19) 34: Supercapacitors as a rapid-charge battery replacement for low-voltage, low-current device (1) 35: I am Japanese.Do you have some question? (21) 36: Let's share funny something!! (20) 37: Check out this mmrts (6) 38: Breakin (8) 39: Weeaboo... they just want to be Japanese, or any Asian is okay? (140) 40: [Bicycle] Hey, lets go ride bikes! (31)

I have 3 months to live. Come say goodbye (18)

1 Name: Ollie Talks Airsoft : 2024-02-04 21:14 ID:8mKQFod9

Cancer got the best of me. Airsoft fans especially, come say farewell.

9 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-15 22:24 ID:OJXHE8Sg

What the hell?

10 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-19 00:24 ID:FCDtHf3M

This is kinda sad but I'm not an airsoft fan. I'll say farewell anyway.

11 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-19 08:19 ID:KCMJvONx

Are you at least trying to make the most of it? Have a bucket list of some kind?

12 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-19 20:54 ID:wsVykRLF

Stay safe Anon, try to plan one big airsoft hurrah with yourself and some buds, splerg all out and have the best of what time you have left.

13 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-06-15 20:02 ID:+Gv4rApf

This guy is sadly still not dead...

14 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-06-21 03:06 ID:Pkt7oIgv

Keep fighting Ollie, You'll make it! Thoughts and prayers to you! I hope our doing okay!

15 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-03-09 05:13 ID:djtKlAGU

he gone.
fly high bud.

16 Name: Viruses Do Not Exist : 2025-03-09 06:08 ID:ubA+TjvK

he'll come back

17 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-03-09 11:52 ID:skbQOhc2

a comment on his latest video:

9 hours ago
In-case anyone is wondering, Ollie thankfully is still with us (long may that continue!)

It was his birthday a week ago, so here’s to a happy belated birthday to you ollie 🎉 🎂 keep going strong!

18 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-03-10 02:38 ID:6yTfoKiQ

Judging by the comments on his channel, he is still with us but they are preparing for the end now. I hope he’s doing ok.

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Board games (34)

1 Name: Enthusiast : 2005-12-17 04:44 ID:nKmdLBba

When I was a kid, I played the standards like Monopoly(does anyone ever read all the mortgaging rules?), chess/checkers, or battleship. Then I got a PC and largely ignored them for a long time. I recently learned about Go and Settlers of Catan, and have had a lot of fun playing online. It's piqued my interest in board games again, and I've found several that look interesting but it's so hard to find someone to play with, especially for the quirky games like the ones from Cheapass Games.

25 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-31 09:00 ID:24j/2Qur

Hexagon > Square

26 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-04-12 00:36 ID:tNvFbzc2


27 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-04-12 08:49 ID:Heaven

covid delayed all my board game kickstarters from 2019-2020 and now they're all arriving at once and I don't have shelf space

28 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-06-27 14:09 ID:TB3ln55V

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄」
       ____.____    |       I have no friends!
     |        |        |   | .__  I don't need
     |        | ∧_∧ |   | |\_\ these boardgames
     |        |( ´∀`)つ ミ | |\|._| any more!
     |        |/ ⊃  ノ |   | .\|_.|
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    |   

29 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-10-13 09:46 ID:Heaven

Lockdown killed my mahjong club and it never really recovered

30 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-11-14 09:05 ID:BBCjaMbD

I play riichi mahjong in person with a few friends on a weekly basis, and that started BECAUSE of lockdown. I think that while it does take a while to learn, it always feels fresh to play.

Other games I enjoy are History of the World, Hanamikoji and Galaxy trucker. I love tabletop RPGs, but we only ever really play d&d 5e and 3.5e. I want to try cyberpunk at some point.

31 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-11-15 14:33 ID:UxGypzRv

I've only played riichi by myself with computer in PC-98 games and I still don't know how to play despite beating a few opponents. The best I could do was count.

32 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-11-15 17:20 ID:Heaven

Not knowing how to play mahjong is a good thing. Knowing why you shouldn't play mahjong is a better thing. Real mahjong is usually played by 4 people, and you can never know if the 3 people playing with you agreed to prioritize you. Even without actually cheating they can "rob" you.

33 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-11-21 15:52 ID:Mf/1Lm8i

>>32 it's pretty difficult to engage in a coordinated attack in mahjong without agreeing on it beforehand. There's a 1/27 chance that every player deliberately targets you if they are choosing randomly.

Even if they did agree to target you, if you are playing "real" mahjong like hong kong old style people don't have much control over the flow of the game. In Riichi, which is the main ruleset played by enthusiasts on the internet nowadays, defensive choices like Beatori are your friend if you are paranoid - there's almost no way to deliberately target players (why we have rules like headbump, temporary furiten, kuikae, etc).

Cheating is also very difficult if you have a somewhat decent play environment (and practically nonexistent if playing online). In fact, if you're worried about players acting maliciously at all, I would recommend finding new people to play against.

But what this all really means, though, is that you, >>32, should just stick with Rummikub.

34 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-03-04 22:20 ID:beX1/0S9

Anyone here play Magic: the Gathering?

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Smoking (72)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-04-03 18:15 ID:b0cVLF0E

Hey guys, I am new to smoking and I was wondering what brands I should try first.

63 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-21 02:23 ID:rRPvAKmw

tongue my anus

64 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-21 07:05 ID:c3Cdo18u

years of shitposting will addle your brain, shill. save yourself!

65 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-21 13:55 ID:rRPvAKmw

shit yourself

66 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-21 15:03 ID:udDi83Ve

check 'em

67 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-22 06:17 ID:9GYpI+Uc

still weed increases appetite, and tobacco only rtemporarily lessens feeling of discomfort, but not discomfort itself. weed is awsome.

68 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-23 01:24 ID:Heaven

weed used to be awesome until it made me think too much

69 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-23 11:55 ID:Heaven

>>60 Keep posting, retard!

70 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-23 14:35 ID:awe5aUtN

shill, if you are not a retard, then why are you a shill? weed would make you love people and get better job.

71 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-25 13:00 ID:Heaven

>>70 I smoke like Willie Nelson, I have lots of friends and I have an awesome job. You can only communicate with zoomer buzzwords.

72 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-26 03:29 ID:v60RNkh5


> I, I, I

you smoke dicks, shilly

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[Nighttime] Amateur Astronomy/Stargazing [Comfy] (16)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-06-20 22:51 ID:1EgG1P3i

There are few solitary late night hobbies more accessible and humbling than watching the heavens. The beginner needs nothing more than clear weather and a notebook, while there are a plethora of gadgets and tools for the enthusiast. The newbie can take his time to learn the constellations and positions of the stars with only a free printed map and his hand to take accurate measurements. The veteran can hunt for faint clusters and galaxies.

Tonight’s targets:
Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter
The Big Dipper

Tonight’s equipment:
NightWatch by Terence Dickinson

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7 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-09-08 05:38 ID:mTlWLyoG

Give us an update OP

8 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-09-16 15:12 ID:hJvr4tUq


Sorry, friend. I haven't stopped observing but I have been very lazy about keeping logs.

With binoculars I was able to split some easy doubles, make out some Galilean satellites and Titan near the oblong blob of Saturn, but found the weight of my rugged 10x50s cumbersome without a tripod.

Researching tripods and mounts brought me instead to purchase an Astronomers Without Borders OneSky reflector telescope. The light gathering power is more than 4x what my binoculars are capable of, and the included kellner eye pieces granted me either 25x or 65x magnification.

By the time I received the scope Jupiter was gone from the evening sky. Mars needs more magnification than 65x to begin seeing surface details, but Saturn's rings are distinct at even 25x and banding of the planet's clouds is apparent at 65x. I've ordered a TMB clone from China that should excel at planetary observation, though whether the 200x magnification will cooperate with the scope's optics and local seeing conditions is yet to be seen.

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9 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-09-22 01:06 ID:1EgG1P3i

8:45 PM

Light clouds, 75 Fahrenheit, 70% humidity

cleardarksky.com forecast:
Transparency 2/5, seeing 3/5

Naked eye

Objects observed:
Saturn, Mars, Antares, Rasalhague, Rasalgethi, Vega

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10 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-09-26 12:47 ID:hJvr4tUq

I received the planetary eyepiece and an "upgraded" finder this weekend. Briefly took the new stuff out and found that I'm not a tremendous fan of the Celestron Starpointer Pro. Using circles instead of a dot allows me to see the target, but head placement means the view varies. I'm on the fence about returning it and going back to a red dot finder.

The seeing wasn't very good, and Mars is too far away, but I do appreciate the 3 fold magnification of the new eyepiece. It's very rugged so I had to increase the altitude tension on my mount. The eye relief is also quite a bit shorter than what I expected. Looking forward to clear fall nights with an attempt to view Jupiter around October 15th.

I'm also hoping to split Sirius this winter, and hoping the planetary eyepiece will help. Sirius B is only magnitude 11, so I'll probably hafta travel to a darker sky site.

11 Name: star gazer : 2016-11-02 06:22 ID:YEhqOQJS

Astronomy would be a lot easier if you could do it from inside. Many nights it gets too cold to go out and gaze at the stars, especially during winter. That makes Percival Lowell a sad panda.

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-11-02 13:43 ID:hJvr4tUq

It isn't too bad if you're well prepared. I usually start by picking out 5-10 targets that'll be high enough in the sky at whatever time I plan to go out. Since I snowboard, I have enough kit in the form of wool socks, thermal underwear, and gloves that allow finer dexterity than most. Definitely doable for an hour or so

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14 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2016-11-19 14:40 ID:hJvr4tUq

Checked out the super moon this past Sunday. The actual full moon was Monday, but lunar features are more pronounced when there's some shadowing. The ridges on the western limb near the terminator were majestic, though the seeing was at best 3/5.

I really need a moon filter. It was so bright in my eyepiece that light was still washed out in my observing eye even when I went back inside!

15 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-28 09:00 ID:UN+Ag0CO

Where's SCORPIO?

16 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-01-05 23:14 ID:DfCpkkJM

I managed to spot Venus last night. Its not that hard to spot being the brightest object in the sky that isn't the Moon. I don't know anything about star gazing or astronomy but it was fun. Cool hobby.

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profit from games and anime and comic (6)

1 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-04-28 07:33 ID:EWntcxqp

will making fanart actually sells lol

im trying to start the game biz thingy
but i either start original which should be
legally safe or do i rob existing franchise
like probably everybody ha

2 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-04-28 12:28 ID:fVNynj7h

why bother

3 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-05-05 22:31 ID:a/NNLa26

You can make fan art and sell them at conventions or take sell commissions online. I doubt you will be able to make a living unless you are really good, or if you make porn

4 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-04-13 09:02 ID:Heaven

A friend of mine has saved up for a house by selling art at conventions. But he's been building up an online presence/persona for 10+ years

5 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-01-04 08:25 ID:ZvtROlGd


6 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-01-04 08:27 ID:ZvtROlGd

30000+ money double spelled team captain

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Masturbation (11)

1 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-05 10:49 ID:mEWf+lIt

Hey guys, I am new to masturbation and I was wondering what brands of lube I should try first and what techniques are more effective.

2 Name: Ninjasr!Y2wfNRRL8s : 2024-12-05 11:58 ID:pvZGkVqE

Use a combination of vinegar, honey, whiskey and olive oil. Makes it slip like crazy. Although honey may sound counter-productive, it functions as a stabilizer, which makes the remaining ingredients 'stick' (in a molecular sense) together to produce a more slippery product. Trust me, it's my private recipe.

As for the techniques, you should prioritize on mental preparation above physical stimulation. The mind controls the body, so imagine yourself doing who you please and you'll arrive at your destination.

3 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-05 12:50 ID:Heaven

>>2 Don't take that seriously.

4 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-05 16:02 ID:Heaven

Just olive oil works fine. Sources that freak out over using oil are mostly doing so because it deteriorates condoms / sex toys (don't use it with your Fleshlight. And don't put motor oil on your dick, just in case you can't tell the difference between petroleum and vegetable oils.)

As a rule of thumb, if it hurts to put it in your mouth, it's going to hurt to put it on your dick. Putting alcohol on it is almost certainly going to burn.

If you're really interested in commercial lubes, Swiss Navy seemed pretty good. But any of those "safe" water lubes don't have the same lasting power if you're just using your hand.

5 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-05 19:33 ID:Heaven

Are you going to post this on your wiki?

6 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-05 21:00 ID:oQrnCshf

use sulfuric acid. you can get it from chemical supply companies pretty easy. just pour a small amount on your dick when its nice and hard and rub.

7 Name: Mr. Buzzcut : 2024-12-06 03:37 ID:KwmSDetj

Well, I was REAL GLAD to hear that, because this is Sex Education Week. That's right, SEX ED WEEK!

8 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-06 20:27 ID:B1Ww2ZHU

imagine needing to buy a product to have a wank

9 Name: Ninjasr!Y2wfNRRL8s : 2024-12-06 23:00 ID:Heaven

Nope. Too busy bitching about other things.

10 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-13 01:05 ID:I+sqi+ps

You don’t need to masturbate. It’s a waste of time and greatly overrated.

11 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-12-18 19:48 ID:nNJgzsNf

My foreskin wasn't stolen by the small hat tribe so I have no need for such peripherals.

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I'd like to learn guitar. ._. (15)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-04-05 02:40 ID:eYugoXUY

Yah. I've played piano for about 10 years now and trumpet for 7 and I want to start guitar.

How should I go about teaching myself how to play? >.>

6 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-09-06 19:25 ID:R+iXAzCp

Get a nylon string guitar. You can find really decent used ones for cheap, you won't hurt your fingers as much as you build up your muscles and finger control, and they are just excellent to have around.

Also, take some damn lessons. You could go my route (play for years and years and years to get good) or take lessons (play for a couple years and get good).

7 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-09-14 19:16 ID:u41sWS16

lol, i agree with >>6
take some lessons!
i have been playing for 2 years now w/o and i'm still not very good. i'm gonna be taking lesson's soon though =D
but, only thing is DONT get nylon guitars... they suck ass. try to bend, you cant. the string rolls with you ><
so get a normal string guitar, better to build up calus

8 Name: MetalOtaku : 2007-09-23 02:53 ID:OU2J4GMk

First of all you have to decide what kind of music you wanna play so you decide what type guitar you will get (acoustic or electric)

I am into metal so I started with electric but they say it's better to start with acoustic.

After you decide that you have to buy your own guitar. Of course if you can get a free guitar from a friend/cousin etc. go ahead but it feels different when you go and choose it on your own.

Getting a teacher is always a good thing but if you don't want to waste much money... Then you can start learning the basics using some good sites like this: http://guitar.about.com

Then you should get guitar pro (http://www.guitar-pro.com) and get the tabs of your favorite songs and start practicing and practising.

The best site in my opinion to get tabs is: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ and it also has some lessons.

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10 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2020-11-30 06:28 ID:W4OGGMgo

hello 2007

11 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2020-11-30 20:17 ID:xkGoKrv/

Did you learn guitar yet?

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2020-12-26 03:16 ID:Heaven

I play classical guitar. Took lessons briefly when I was a music major but it wasn't my primary instrument. I think I'm good enough that I could teach though. Been playing 14 years in all.

13 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2021-02-10 18:57 ID:6tIaSzxI

I think you should immediately dive into the deep end and get a 9-string guitar so you can play the guitar and bass lines at the same time.

14 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2021-02-10 18:58 ID:6tIaSzxI

I think you should immediately dive into the deep end and get a 9-string guitar so you can play the guitar and bass parts at the same time.

15 Name: Judith Creswel : 2024-12-04 01:53 ID:m7ta9ZOf


I’m writing with a heavy heart to share that I recently lost my daughter to leukemia. She had a deep love for music and dreamed of becoming a pianist. Her Yamaha piano was incredibly special to her, and I would be truly grateful if it could find a new owner who will continue to cherish it.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Warm regards,
Judith Creswell
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Hunting the Undead (54)

1 Name: Enthusiast : 2006-02-21 06:25 ID:bVr+CheO

Hello all, my hobby is fighting the undead. The undead includes but is not limited to:

Underworld gods
and those that serve the undead.

Most people have their own little way of fighting the undead. Some people use magic, others use a special amulet or even the power of the sun.

Me I usually use assault rifles(I prefer the AR 15), chainsaws, longswords and spirit cards that I obtain through negotiation with demons(usually NOT undead).

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46 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2014-10-01 03:27 ID:Rt34HqVe

gooby plz

47 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-21 07:40 ID:PiL5w1Zv

Zombies are everywhere!

48 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-23 01:08 ID:pGcRVx33


49 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-23 04:38 ID:L4wfPgoS

is your surname Belmont

50 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-27 09:47 ID:PiL5w1Zv


51 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-30 09:50 ID:Heaven

52 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-30 13:12 ID:Heaven

53 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-05-07 05:39 ID:pGcRVx33

New Castlevania on Netflix

54 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-10-21 04:01 ID:OA8h3KX5

I just pee on them until they go away.

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[Food] General Recipe Thread [Cooking] (16)

1 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-15 02:34 ID:FVSD/xCO

On /req/ there was discussion of the need for a more general recipe thread than the old one merged from /food/, so I am creating one. Post any recipes you like here, easy or hard, simple or complex.

Let's start with a classic, Shakshuka.

  • 3 tablespoons (45ml) extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling

  • 1 medium onion, thinly sliced

  • 1 large red pepper (bell pepper for milder heat, or a hotter variety, such as red horned pepper, depending on your heat preference), stems, seeds, and ribs removed, thinly sliced

  • 1 fresh small hot chili (such as jalapeño, serrano, or Fresno), stems, seeds, and ribs removed, thinly sliced

  • 2 to 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
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7 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-16 06:35 ID:pWRdhXMR

“Don’t give me any other cake, butter cake is still the best!”
Watch the video of the steps
Recipe Card

Prep time: 25 mins
Baking Time: 55 mins
Yields: 6 inch Square Cake


Yellow Team

SCS slightly salted butter 227g (1 block)
Self-raising flour 180g (or Cake flour with 1 tsp baking powder)
Castor sugar 150g
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8 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-03-03 08:43 ID:+Ye1tmqw

You'll never be a God. However, you can eat grilled cheese like one.

I was once a mortal, just like you, until I created God-level-grilled cheese.

Tomato soup–– especially the kind that doesn't come from a can — is always the right side for God-level-grilled cheese. It's not God-level if tomato soup isn't the side–– like, if the grilled cheese is Jesus, then the tomato soup is all 12 disciples.

You must cook on low. Dad would cringe, however, this is extremely important, as you cannot rush greatness.

But Dad had it right with the way he butters the cast iron, with that old-fashioned butter. None of that salt-free, "healthy," chemically-modified margarine crap. Just regular, not-good-for-you, salty butter.

if you want to play on this level, you must use fresh Challah bread. You must respect the Challah and know how to cut the Challah–– not too thick, not too thin.
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10 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-03-19 19:30 ID:zBsyD5yA


I had no intent on eating grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, but this is what I am going to do. Alas I do not have any Challah bread, but I will check some bakeries nearby and get a loaf if they have it. If not, I will find something I can nonetheless use. I have never tried honey on a grilled cheese and it sounds unusual, but intriguing. This is the perfect easy meal to enjoy while playing video games on this particularly windy and snowy day. Thank you for the idea, anon.

11 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-03-23 11:27 ID:MMBZ/l0Y

Cheese toasties have become a cinch since I got one of them George Formby grilling machines!

>>10 Why not try a dash of Worcestershire sauce on the cheese, very very tasty 👍

12 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-04-07 01:41 ID:t67N21Xl


2 Earl Grey tea bags
1/4 cup boiling water
1/3 cup milk
100g of sunflower oil (or melted butter)
2 eggs
160g white sugar
190g self-raising flour, sifted
1 teaspoon of baking powder, sifted with the flour

Preheat oven to 180C (my oven was a bit hot--try 170C next time?). Oil-spray a 6-fer muffin pan.

Empty the tea leaves from the tea bags into a cup and add the boiling water. Set aside for 3 minutes. Stir in the milk and then transfer to a large bowl. Combine and wisk the wet ingredients, eggs, and sugar together well, making sure any sugar isn't missed.

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13 Name: Anonymous Fisher : 2024-07-21 00:25 ID:5O+8YbuZ

It took me 37 years to realize that canned sardines are actually great. So if you've never tried them, here's an easy way to try: a simple sardine sandwich. We'll use the "recipe" I just did.

You'll need canned sardines, bread, not iceberg lettuce (any greens work too such as arugula, spinach, young dandelion leaf) mayonnaise, olive oil, butter (optional), sea salt, black pepper and optional lemon. Get a fresh loaf of sourdough bread of some sort, as long as it has a nice crunchy exterior and soft interior. Slice yourself two slices approximately 1 to 1.25 centimetres thick. Toast it so it is just ever so slightly browned on one side, then carefully drizzle olive oil on one piece (or use butter if you prefer). Add mayonnaise to both sides. Open a can of sardines. The sardines can be in water or oil, but if they are canned with oil then omit the olive oil from the earlier steps. Place them whole on the bread or crumble it up with your fingers. Do not mind the bones, though if any of the spine feels a bit too crunchy you can remove it although they are safe to eat and nutritious. Add sea salt, black pepper and a light squeeze of lemon juice if you desire.

Enjoy! If you have any other ideas for sardines pls respond. So far this is the only way I've had them prepared, though they are also just nice out of the can as well.

14 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-07-31 01:16 ID:RqT/q7k6

Sardines are great but this sounds disgusting. Just cook the sardines in sauce and add them to some nice fluffy white rice you boiled earlier. Then, add some soy sauce and Chinese salt and you are good to go my friend.

15 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-09-17 11:23 ID:Heaven

Here's a link to the "easy" thread that OP mentioned: https://4-ch.net/4ch.html

Yesterday I made my own Lasagna Sheets by making dough and rolling it very thin. It was surprisingly straightforward and tasted great, though I'm not sure it was much different than using store-bought sheets. I used one of these those hand crank pasta rolling machines though, so that probably took out some of the hard work.

16 Name: FUCK : 2024-09-17 11:24 ID:Heaven

>>15 link fail here is the correct link: https://4-ch.net/hobby/kareha.pl/1149780313

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Shortwave Radio/SWL/DXing (11)

1 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-01-18 19:29 ID:LIDFfF1u

Is there anyone else who likes to listen to shortwave radio? Either listening to regular old shortwave programs or listening to oddities like beacons, weather & time signals, over the horizon radars, data transmissions, of course the famous number stations and so on?I've loved this hobby for many years and have owned a lot of radios, but just casual interest which meant I would usually sell the radios eventually.

I recently bought a little handheld (Tecsun PL-680) and plan to build a good longwire antenna outside, buy a few more little portables (like pocket sized) and buy a SDR at some point since having access to waveforms and waterfalls on the software would be nice, though I still prefer actual radios. Unfortunately I live in a city with millions of people and have some high voltage powerlines right outside my flat so that fucks reception, but I still plan to build a new antenna.

This week I was not listening much, but I did manage to pull in a Korean radio station (which is impressive, since there is a lot of jamming there), something from India and a Chinese station, but I don't know which one. Of course there is always Brother Stair and other batshit insane religious folks and a lot of right-wing preppers/MAGA/retards that pollute the radiowaves. The other night I listened to some woman who sounded like she had been smoking since she was 10 years old, talking about how Joe Biden was a pedophile and the usual crazy nonsense that crowed of people is obsessed with. That stuff is not interesting at all but unfortunately the signals for that are strongest in North America. Ever since stations like Voice of America and Radio Canada International stopped broadcasting on shortwave...most of what you hear is that sort of garbage.

2 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-01-31 23:24 ID:LIDFfF1u

I've been listening a lot lately since I have a flu or something, so I've heard a lot of fun stuff. I had some morse code station one night. I didn't bother to translate it, but I'm sure it would just be gibberish to me anyway. I also heard HM01, the number station run by G2, better known as Dirección de Inteligencia which is Cuba's foreign intelligence agency. Tonight I've had WRMI on in the background while I play an MMO. They had some music at times, then some weird pro-vegan sermon from this well known Vietnamese cult leader Ching Hai. After a new program came on which was just some retard paranoid right wing prepper American guy who started rambling on about World War 3 and shit hitting the fan soon so I turned it off. Tuned into 9330 and I think it's some Portuguese show. I can't understand it.

3 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-01-31 23:28 ID:LIDFfF1u


Also I've listened to Radio Nikkei a lot. This is actually a great way to practice Japanese if you have been trying to learn it. They have a lot of talk radio programs so it's nice to listen in if you can manage to tune in such a distant station. The talk radio is good for vocabulary practice and shit. I think they also have a program for Japanese people to learn English. I've never caught that one but it's probably entertaining to listen to if you do.

4 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-02 02:02 ID:YwSrfutV

This sounds like a fun hobby I might try it. I haven't used radio in nearly a decade.

5 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-14 22:14 ID:czDi5lQ1


You could get a nice introduction buying a cheap handheld receiver for very little money and scan the shortwave bands that way. Reception depends on your antenna, but the built in one is sufficient to get started. There are other ones you can build for cheap, such as what we call a longwire antenna. It is as the name implies: a real long wire you connect to it. Well, there's more to it but you can really just attach a bit of speaker wire to one and you'll hear a lot more.

Or what a lot of people do now is just use WebSDR aka Software Defined Radio. This works using a little digital receiver that basically has its "ears" open to a shit ton of frequencies, from a few MHz to GHz. A device like this can be bought for as little as 30-40 USD and is super cool, but requires its own antenna. However there are a lot of WebSDR websites available. Here's one located in Georgia, USA which is I guess run by a high school radio club. Try it out, click around and see what you can tune in. It will let you hear everything from FM radio, shortwave, amateur/ham radio to I think even things like satellites.


6 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-04-30 21:00 ID:wgnPhRef

Listening to some cool oldies radio program on WBCQ out of Maine, USA. Normally this station only plays boring Christian bullshit since a lot of them lease airtime out in order to keep the transmitters on (it's expensive to broadcast on shortwave), every so often they play regular stuff. Distance just under 1000 kilometres. Listening on an RTL-SDR v4 since I'm outside. My Tecsun PL-680 was barely picking it up, which is odd. Using roughly a 16 metre longwire antenna. That's just under 600 miles and 60 feet for the Amerifats.

Right now it's "Pirate Joe Extravaganzo" on 7490 kHz. SINPO is probably a 4/1/3/2/3 meaning there is a lot of noise and fading. This is likely due to the time of day (16:50 Eastern) because propagation blows during sunlight hours. The fading has gone down compared to 20 minutes ago, but there is still a lot of noise. It's still listenable, though.

Here's how it sounds to me: https://vocaroo.com/1fOgdgfC8Gai

7 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-05-02 11:50 ID:Heaven

This is an awesome thread! I've long since desired to get into shortwave radio after coming into ownership of a CB (Citizen Band) radio broadcaster/receiver unit a few years back.

CB is interesting in its own right:
- typically extremely local
- used by truck drivers, police, some really old school PA systems
- about 40-30 years ago, in my country this was the "group chat" equivalent for young adults who would drive about with their friends. lots of cars were outfitted with receivers and broadcasters (I still spot a few with the telltale antennae) and it seems like it was a fad in the US as well

Nowadays it's almost entirely dead so I never found anything interesting to listen to, much less anyone to communicate with. But there's something about a slightly more analog communication method that really appeals to my nostalgia. It must've been fun chatting to your friends over the radio, or dropping into what are basically anonymous chatrooms with local folks.

Anyway, as for shortwave radio proper, I'm not really sure where to start. I might get a receiver as well.

8 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-05-02 21:10 ID:65np1XAE


I gather you're not from North America, but over here CB is still moderately used. There is a famous guy on Channel 19 that goes by the name Mud Duck, Mud Duck in the Desert or Fine Tune CB. He is known for broadcasting seemingly 24 hours a day on a 500 gazillion trillion billion watt transceiver meaning you can hear the retard across the entire continent whether you're in southern US, central Canada, the deserts and mountains in the west. He doesn't really talk to anyone in particular, he's just always there on Channel 19 talking and talking and talking. Most people hate him. He can be fun to chat with sometimes, other times he just gets aggressive. Total idiot.

9 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-05-02 21:10 ID:65np1XAE


Anyway for shortwave, the best way to get into it these days is an SDR/software defined radio. They offer a really good way to get into shortwave radio without spending 150-200 dollars or Euros on an actual shortwave radio. The nice thing is they aren't only for shortwave. For example, the RTL-SDR v4 is a cheap USB dongle you can get that can receive anything between 500 kHz to 1.7 GHz meaning you can do a lot of shit on it. Here are some examples of what you can do with an RTL-SDR:

  • Use as a police radio scanner.
  • Listening to EMS/Ambulance/Fire communications.
  • Listening to aircraft traffic control conversations.
  • Tracking aircraft positions like a radar with ADSB decoding.
  • Decoding aircraft ACARS short messages.
  • Scanning trunking radio conversations.
  • Decoding unencrypted digital voice transmissions such as P25/DMR/D-STAR.
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11 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-06-21 03:24 ID:cyORjqQk

I use a Tecsun Pl-880 I got used with an AN-80 antenna I hang in my room.

I've managed to get QSL cards from NHK-World on 6105, WWV on 1500, CHU on 7850, WINB on 9265, and Pop Shop Radio on 5950 (WRMI)

Sent reports to WWCR, WRMI, and Radio Havana Cuba

Also, I learned that Radio Romania and New Zealand no longer QSL.

I'm gonna QSL China, Exterior de Espana, Turkey, WTWW, Radio Rebelde, and World Christian Broadcasting

I recommend listening WRMI, since it has a diverse range of music, such as Cruisin' the Decades (UTC 2-3 Sun), The Mighty KBC, Encore/Radio Tumbril, Pop Shop Radio (UTC 1-2 Mon), Alt Universe Top 40, Imaginary Stations (when that comes on - seems kinda random to me idk), and DEFINITRLY Radio Catface (UTC 3 Mon), because it's the only indie-type music on shortwave that I can find so it's a really unique listen.

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