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168 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2018-04-09 05:49 ID:wrym+Q5A

I was clearly in a rather somber mood when I made this post... It gets better, friends

Thank you.

Social media seems like the obvious culprit to me. I suspect the number of interesting things hidden in the ghost web to be fairly. A comparable dataset would be the collected works of cuneiform sitting in museum collections around the world. The vast majority have not been translated fully. Some are treasures of archaeology - Plimpton 322 comes to mind. Most are little more than records of account and inventory.

It might seem that we have lost the Library of Alexandria many times over, but ours were full of phonebooks. Hobbyists of the 90s and the 00s didn't have to be sophisticated because they didn't have to compete with anything for our attention.

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