29 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-01-03 04:54 ID:QmXf42V3

I just came to this message board yesterday after watching all of Densha Otoko for the first time. I do have to say that some of the events in there are quite impossible to beleive but there are actual people out here on the internet that will support you with your biggest problems if you just trust them. I've been involved in online communities for quite some time now, but none like a love message board or any sort of self help thing. While watching it I was reminded of myself being one of the "flamers" on the internet, putting others down in there worst of times, and maybe that's not the right thing to do if they're being truely sincere and not just looking for attention. So I promise on this board to not be a flamer.

It's nice to meet you all and could you recommened any places I could get some BENOIST at :P.

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