[True Love?]Love on the Internet! [Online Sweethearts] (136)

100 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-18 14:35 ID:ivHn0AcO

she pm'ed me a message:
"Hey. you've always wanted to meet me, and i've always refused them right?" (she insisted we never meet before, because she didnt like meeting people over the internet or some shit.)
me: "yeah, what about it?"
her: "well, wanna meet? i think i'm finally ready."
me: "are you serious?"
her: "(time)(date)(location) i'll be wearing a black jacket."

when i finally got to the place we were supposed to meet at.
i finally found out why she had been acting the way she did.
i finally found out why she always refused phone calls, or webcams, or meeting in real life.
was it the long black hair? no.
was it the chubby figure? no.
was it the ugly face? no.
i could of forgiven all that. at one point, i honestly was ready to accept her no matter what she looked like.

but not when she was, actually a man.

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