[True Love?]Love on the Internet! [Online Sweethearts] (136)

64 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-01-02 23:21 ID:NLWI9lIe

I'm going to have to agree, online relationships are a train wreck. I've tried to make about 3 of them succeed but end up in failure, I think RL (Real Life) realationships are the only way to go, sure you can meet and understand a person intellectually online but if you do get that chance to meet them your perspective is completely shot. I met this one woman online once and she seemed to be absolutely my perfect girl, we had the same interests and everything. After talking for a bit I noticed she wasn't all that great but still had some of the same interests so I went along and decided to meet her. After about 2 meetings with her and one to her house it turns out she was a complete FRAUD she was not the woman I thought she was personality wise anyways, her name address and college she attends were all valid but the personality she created was so not her and I just couldn't stand it any longer.

My conclusion to this post is, do not date online if you want to save yourself the frustration and confusion, but if you do make sure you fully understand the woman first and call her more than just once (like I did).

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