Getting out of friendzone? (55)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-06 23:06 ID:EqrDHbdl

I'd have to agree with >>13's strategy: when guys consistently treat me like a friend , I tend to believe that they want to be my friend. Silly me! I never cease to be shocked when they spring a confession on me after several months.

If you're interested in a girl, you shouldn't scare her away by acting too interested, but try to send out little hints along the way to avoid ending up in friendzone. Maybe occasionally complement how she looks? Or make an effort to sit next to each other when you're in a group. Little things like this will make her consider you as a possible boyfriend.

Girls can be just as dense as guys when interpreting signals from the opposite sex. If you act like she's just a friend, she'll think you want to be her friend. You've got to become someone she can only see as a boyfriend.

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