Getting out of friendzone? (55)

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-03 17:48 ID:jVTGZmbL

the fact you get to know someone well doesn't mean she will be your girlfriend. there is more to relationship than spending time with each other. something that you may be lacking is a physical attraction. im sure the first time you see a girl, within second you decide whether she is hot or not. and after that assessment, regardless of her personality, you judgement on whether you would date her is based on that initial physical attraction to her. to get out of that friendzone you need something more than a good personality, caring nature, etc. the fact is that she doesnt want to date you is might because she doesnt find you attractive. there are always exceptions though. however this doesnt mean you are ugly, she may just not find/seen you in a physical way. so if you still want your friend, then you have to show yourself in a new light, you need to show her that you are indeed a sexy beast and then she may start changing her mind.

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