Getting out of friendzone? (55)

35 Name: Friend Otoko : 2006-02-11 08:37 ID:L9/kC1zU


Agreed. I remember I liked a girl that was already in a relationship, but a rocky relationship and I was the person she always talked to about problems. After getting to know her, I started to like her alot. But I fell into the friend zone and it just went down hill from there. She said she always saw me as a brother and a best friend.

Afte realizing this, she left her bf, but I found out one of my other friends liked her. So crap. I was already sucked into the friend zone and could do nothing so I ended up just being the friend to comfort, and help her with her problems when her bf didnt threat her right. I had to constantly reassure her that if she wanted change, she had to leave him cause he didnt change.

I was too chicken to tell her how I felt, knowing my current position at that time I was in. She ended up finding someone else and im here still single.

Just recently I met a friend of a friend, shes really an awesome girl, easy to talk to, and we connect when we talk. But i just found out she liked one of my friends...then again I get sucked into the friendzone area in trying to help her. Blah not again!!! -_- Shes younger than me, but she likes a friend of mine, and we are the same age. I have a chance...but right now i think i just seem to her as just a friend. BUt shes totally a girl that would understand me, shes really cute, likes similar interests..sigh. I just dont want to end up being the guy that helped a girl he liked get with someone else.... sigh. not again...just in time for Valentines day too.

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