Getting out of friendzone? (55)

46 Name: Friend Otoko : 2006-02-17 20:18 ID:L9/kC1zU


I agree and disagree, if i've been with a friend for so long, there may be instances where I would not want to just leave. You've worked so hard to get where you are, why leave it on such a bad note? But thats just me.

Right now the "girl of my dreams" is talking to one of my friends now, all she talks about is him. She says they are together now..., I cant help but feel, sad, and happy at the same time. Sad that im not the one shes talking about, but happy shes happy. sucks doesnt it. But oh well...what can I do...Ive been through this before so I guess ill just let it go and just hope for the best. She was the only girl that treated me with much respect, rather than some other girls. We could talk for hours, laugh, play games, etc. BUt i guess it just led more to the friendship zone.

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