Getting out of friendzone? (55)

54 Name: the7k : 2006-02-20 21:52 ID:9LUKFcOR

Hmm... I suspect alot of you classify yourselves as nice guys, but are you really? Do you really want the nice girl, with the nice relationship? Or do you want sex but are just to socially inept to obtain it?

I'm not accusing y'all of getting close to a girl only in hopes of mounting her, but I know that alot of the "nice guys" I know around here are that way. They deceive themselves into believing that the ladies men that stink of testosterone, the guys that are only looking to put another notch in their belts, are the bad guys, when some of these "nice guys" are looking to do the same.

There are some 'nice girls' out there that like 'nice guys.' However, they are woefully outnumbered by the girls that want guys with stability, confidence and, in some cases, massive amounts of testosterone.

I know all to well about the friendzone. Hell, EVERY girl that I now call a friend is a girl I had hoped to have a fulfilling relationship with. If you wanna find the right girl, then you'll end up in alot of girls' friendzones until you find the girl that's the perfect fit for you. No matter how much you may worship a certain girl, she might be a false goddess. Find 'the one.'

If you're looking to get laid, then you'll just have to become horribly Lowest Common Denominator. Stop coming to this board, stop watching anime, only play EASports games, take up a sport, get a high paying manual labor job, and buy a sports car. Eventually, you'll get that shallow skank.

All this said, I guess I should mention that I am an InCel and have been all 20 years of my life. So, I don't REALLY know what women want. But judging from the people that get laid on a regular basic, I can imagine what it takes to get laid in the world.

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