Forever Single? (47)

11 Name: yokken : 2006-01-26 13:05 ID:Heaven

>>10 Wow.

Number one, the sexual slur was something about 69, and I DO know her- we talk all the time in class. I hardly consider a joke about 69 an offense to anyone. And with the sexual relationship- it doesn't make a difference to me. I want to wait anyway. Number two, the "too smart" thing was that I do nothing but school and computers. Everyone at school who knows who I am knows that I'm an expert with computers. I'm in every single Honors class I could take this year, so what does that make me? I don't know, fortunate?

And also, about the overweight girls- there's only a few at my school. One of them sounds like a man and weighs more than me. I don't know about you, or anybody else, but I'm not gonna walk up to her and say hi. Because I DO have a reputation, regardless of my nerdiness.

>>10, you're exactly the kind of girl I'm talking about. I know I'm an ass, but you don't need to point it out. I'm relatively nice to the opposite sex- so what do I get in return? People like you. I try to express my feelings and get it all off my chest, and you come in here and start telling me how I'm a jerk and using sexual slurs and shit. I don't care how old you are- you don't have the right to be an ass to an ass. I would never try to make myself look like a saint, or I'd already HAVE a girlfriend.

And for the record, I am lifting weights.

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