Valentines Day (135)

113 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 23:11 ID:SIeL3QmX


Yeah, thats why modern society can't afford a liberal outlook on sexuality. We need to know the possible effects of intercourse, but we shouldn't be fed with sexually suggestive material, especially not of dubious nature.

Also modern society promotes deviant sexuality largely because it takes humans away from the natural order of things. We have unnatural upbringings in unnatural environments, being exposed to and expected to live in unnatural ways. It's no wonder our sexuality also turns unnatural. Homosexuality within the human race for example is closely tied to far-advanced civilisations, as opposed to naturalistic peoples where it's generally frowned upon.

We are used to our way of life and see nothing strikingly wrong about it, but nonetheless it doesn't exactly give us good growing grounds for a healthy mind. People heve never been so rich in both knowledge and material possessions as we are, yet we top the charts in misery. The suicide statistics are startingly higher in the west than anywhere else. Basically the poorer the country the less suicides. Seems like natural suffering and strife makes us mentally healthy and resilient, but here we are instead exposed to bizarre conditions, values and expectations, which makes our minds a maze of unnatural thought-patterns. It's readily obvious in how we, in spite of our infinate knowledge and good sense still cannot help ourselves to battle our own mental ailments, we are forced to stuff ourselves with pills or to flee our situation instead. More and more people opt to suicide though, because their mental foundations get so fucked up from the start, they can't find sanity mind no matter how hard they dig.

But ofcourse, we could then argue that I'm simply schizofrenic and don't have a saying in this thing. I just listen to too much angry music like SOAD and have basketcases for friends.

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