Valentines Day (135)

1 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-02-10 05:59 ID:J3Xl/xQ1

We're 4 days away from this dreaded holiday.
You folks got anything insane planned?

101 Name: devildogmre : 2007-02-14 07:36 ID:eFxHP2yf

"Words without experience are meaningless."-
Vladimir Nobokov, "Lolita"

102 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 09:08 ID:Heaven

You don't need direct experience of an exact situation to be able to fully grasp it. In that sense, that quote is true.

103 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 09:09 ID:Heaven

Happy Valentines day, Everyone!

Anonymous is love <3

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 10:59 ID:Heaven

Happy SAD day to Anonymous! And happy Valentines day to the lucky bastards :D

105 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-14 13:11 ID:JysVWcQ0

>>98 I love virgins, I enjoy teaching them things, thats alot of fun, but for shame I have only had 2 virgins so far :(

106 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 18:34 ID:SIeL3QmX


There is a difference between a clinic education about the science of our reproductive procedures and their effects, and a wholesale sex-fest. It's not even the same thing and I think you know which thing I'm turning against. We might need to be informed that intercourse may lead to pregnancies, but we do not need to be informed about how to sechs. It's a fucking natural instinct for starters, it kicks of automatically. And it's a fact, the more we know, the more we want, the more miserable we are. It. Is. A. FACT. I'm glad YOUR sexlife is working out, but most people are miserable about this, and with greater longing due to expectations and fading ability to meet the requirements for their basis of happiness, they get desperate and stupid, and wander of into the dark alleys of our collective, sexual awareness.

It's not exactly a coincidence that sexual crimes and sick sexual habits/orientations have skyrocketed since a liberal outlook on our sexuality landed. Or maybe you think it is?

However, I did after all, say it's no use anyway seeing how the world is, I was merely stating an ideal.

107 Name: 65 : 2007-02-14 19:00 ID:kMEY+MrK

He did it! He broke up with her in front of a large, and I mean large crowd. He was able to get a campus choir group to sing her a break up song before he told her the "good news." However, the way she reacted and how it all went down, makes me believe that it was staged, hell the Student television network is going to show it.
But I couldn't hear a damn thing, I only was able to see her face. During the song she had a "wtf" look, and during the arguement, she didn't look that upset/pissed. So I am waiting for it to be posted online somewhere so I be certain of exactly happened.

108 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 19:15 ID:S1qhLGum


>>It's not exactly a coincidence that sexual crimes and sick sexual habits/orientations have skyrocketed since a liberal outlook on our sexuality landed. Or maybe you think it is?

Actually, sexual crimes and sick habits/orientations became less in our educated, liberal society, it only appears to "spread" because now people talk about it, there's media coverage and people don't do it with shame and guilt in backdoor alleys like in the past.

109 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 19:24 ID:Heaven

>>108 is true.
There were a lot of things that were seen as normal/expected, which was seen as sick..
The rape of wives, for instance. "Rape?! Our marriage is a contract for nookie at all time, whether or not she likes it! She's a birthing machine, FFS! Rape can only take place outside of marriages!"

110 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 19:30 ID:Heaven

I love you, Anon (and tripfags)! All of you!
I made this for you:

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111 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 20:18 ID:SIeL3QmX


Got info to prove your statement?

112 Name: Lovestruck Letter-writer : 2007-02-14 22:19 ID:cD24qh8w


It just so happens that our the liberal outlook on sexuality is nothing new, in fact western views on sexuality and gender roles have undergone a liberalization that started in the middle ages. The truth is that "strange" sexual fetishes and practices are nothing new at all, in fact the oldest set of laws available, Hammurabi's Code from ancient Babylon, has plenty of laws for deviant sexual behavior such as many different forms of bestiality, homosexuality, and incest.
The correlation you are noticing is more accurately connected to the rise of higher populations and information technology. There are more people now, which statistically increases the number of sexually deviant people, and information technology combined with high density urban living has allowed them to communicate with one and other, and has made accessing information about them much easier and more likely through out the course of a persons ever increasing lifespan.
Not to mention a more complex society will give rise to new types of sexual fetishes that are connected with the modern world. Good examples would be things like uniforms (nurse, school, cop)because they are connected to permenant fixtures in daily life that repeat themselves (all cops, nurses, students are seen on a daily basis on tv or in real life).
You couldn't have such a wide variety of sexual deviancy in the good ol' days because there was less available things to develop fetishes before that would impact a person their entire lives. (see how it comes back to technology, dense urban living, and higher populations?). But we do know that they DID have sexual deviancy in all historical ages, however it followed the same patterns that ours do now; people must first have constant contact with these fetish concepts in a non-sexualized nature before they can develop. Which is why the historical era's sexual deviancy relies much on the historical context of the era. For example bestiality and incest in isolaeted large family agrarian villages. As opposed to the growing variety of lingeries used by the olde school rich.

In conclusion; it is incorrect to point the finger at recent liberal trends because western history for the last thousand or more years has been a giant liberalization process that is anything but recent, however the trends of sexuality tend to spike in "deviancy" or more accurately "variety" when logistical factors favor them such with higher populations, information technology, and dense urban living.

113 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 23:11 ID:SIeL3QmX


Yeah, thats why modern society can't afford a liberal outlook on sexuality. We need to know the possible effects of intercourse, but we shouldn't be fed with sexually suggestive material, especially not of dubious nature.

Also modern society promotes deviant sexuality largely because it takes humans away from the natural order of things. We have unnatural upbringings in unnatural environments, being exposed to and expected to live in unnatural ways. It's no wonder our sexuality also turns unnatural. Homosexuality within the human race for example is closely tied to far-advanced civilisations, as opposed to naturalistic peoples where it's generally frowned upon.

We are used to our way of life and see nothing strikingly wrong about it, but nonetheless it doesn't exactly give us good growing grounds for a healthy mind. People heve never been so rich in both knowledge and material possessions as we are, yet we top the charts in misery. The suicide statistics are startingly higher in the west than anywhere else. Basically the poorer the country the less suicides. Seems like natural suffering and strife makes us mentally healthy and resilient, but here we are instead exposed to bizarre conditions, values and expectations, which makes our minds a maze of unnatural thought-patterns. It's readily obvious in how we, in spite of our infinate knowledge and good sense still cannot help ourselves to battle our own mental ailments, we are forced to stuff ourselves with pills or to flee our situation instead. More and more people opt to suicide though, because their mental foundations get so fucked up from the start, they can't find sanity mind no matter how hard they dig.

But ofcourse, we could then argue that I'm simply schizofrenic and don't have a saying in this thing. I just listen to too much angry music like SOAD and have basketcases for friends.

114 Name: Lovestruck Letter-writer : 2007-02-14 23:54 ID:cD24qh8w


Careful there, there are animals who have homosexual relations and primate proto-societies have in fact endorsed double standards of allowing leaders homosexual relations and preventing heterosexual relations of others. (Yes I do have a source on this, but I'll have to make a trip to library next time its open with all this shitty weather over here to properly cite it).

Something has got to give; either our unnatural environments will be destroyed, or our natural upbringings will have to change and adapt to these new highly unnatural societies. Until then we will be doomed to some very messed up people where it counts. (as in people who turn to self destructive or misanthropic methods, not as in stable people with slightly odd lifestyle choices)

115 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 00:07 ID:SIeL3QmX


Yeah, there are animals and some primates are doing the crazy thing all day long but they are different spieces. Not all primates and/or other spieces of mamals or whatever have homosexual behaviours, and when they do it's often asexual and has other purposes than sexual stimulation. Humans didn't develop homosexual behaviour until civilisation. I'm afraid thats more or less a fact, until some archeologist finds a gay-sechs figurine made out of limestone in central africa, dating about 50.000 BC.

116 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 00:15 ID:FkX2eYV8

Also, it's worth noting that more liberal European countries like Amsterdam have a much lower rate of unwanted pregnancies and STDs than the US (per capita), and sex isn't as frowned upon as it is here in the States.

117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 00:57 ID:SIeL3QmX


"European countries like Amsterdam" LOL!

Thats because in Amsterdam people are too busy getting high on grass to get laid.

Seriously, just because people use preventives, condoms and commit to abortions without remorse doesn't mean they have healthy sexual habits. You're kind of ignoring the psychological risks here, focusing on the physical ones. But the physical risks aren't nearly as alarming as the psychological ones. A physically disabled individual is a burden to a limited amount of people, a mentally disabled individual bears the potential to not only burden but also harm countless.

I want to draw a paralell to Nazi germany. The german people at that time were no different from anyone of us, but they were going through psychologically challenging times which put their common sense out of order. See the problem with us humans is that no matter how smart we are, our emotions will after breaching a sertain threshold, put our morals out of order and cause us to act according to emotions instead. And God help us if our emotions then are embedded in some kind of sick mental structure, and thats exactly what happened in Nazi germany: The people were fed with lies, sick ideals and ideas, pleading to their rampant emotional cravings for social security and human dignity.

Now, malinformation is being fed into us through our desperate need for sexual satisfaction, a desperation highly increased by the intense exposure to sex and theory concerning sexual practice we recieve already from early years. Through this we are being taught uncompromising tolerance towards sertain things, while we at the same time develop zero tolerance towards anything that challanges this, even if it rightly does.

We are being brainwashed on a grand fucking scale, and regrettably it's tied to something we can't possibly rise to battle because it's too important to us. The worst thing is that this brainwashing isn't some evil sheme orchestrated by a demonic group of people or something, it's just the way things have turned out. In the name of our constant strife to enrichen our lifes, and our ever-present lack of true compassion or love, both for ourselves and others. So we can't really fight this because it's up to each individual to first fight him/herself, and we know everyone will never do this. Because we don't love ourselves, we only struggle to feed our desires. Thats instinct, not love. Our brains turned our instincts into our worst enemy. It's so fucking hilarious.

118 Name: 65 : 2007-02-15 04:34 ID:ZnHILNza

119 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 08:15 ID:NqeAJvPS


Don't talk like everyone is the same, ano.

Although you are right that the stupid majority is easily brainwashed.

120 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 09:43 ID:d5eltH80

I agree with >>117.

I would say that the gerneral popluation is brainwashed. What contributes to it is the media obsession that people seem to have. People eat it up like fast food without even thinking of the health hazards. People have a desire to fit in so they go where the rest of the herd goes so as not to be left out. It is so sad.

121 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 10:02 ID:Heaven

People do a lot of shit without thinking twice about it, because "if it would have been bad, then surely it wouldn't be able to be like this, right? Someone would have put an end to this, or at least told people about it!"
Anyways, this is getting WAY off topic. Please start a separate thread, if you wish to continue discussing this. Continue to spread love in this thread.
Here's a horribly sappy tale of love and the spreading of warm fuzzies:

122 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 21:36 ID:Ao243NWA



Well I've been looking at this all day so I guess I might as well reply.

My V-Day was... snowy. Hailed all day so I didn't go out. Not seeing anyone, but there's someone I'm interested in. Known him for over a year, though he lives a few states away. Sent him some drawings, home-made V-card, and a letter of loveness. Frankly, the results were good. Though he's still pondering relationshipness. Don't mind, I'm not too wild about folks here anyway.

But yeah. While V-Day was chocolateless and spent mostly dueling online (...eheh) the two days before it had many lovely phone conversations and other phone-things... <3

So, whoot. Happiness, despite my occassional "I'm such a dork" feeling.

123 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 22:37 ID:Heaven


124 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 02:26 ID:EqVq49Rj

>>97 >>91 >>95

If anyone tried it, can you post failure/success reports? Being an average nerd with clumsy social skills, I'm not likely to have an opportunity to test it myself in the forseeable future. OTL Stories of Valentine's Day experiences might ease the pain.

125 Name: Akoua Doffou : 2007-02-16 05:28 ID:4LDdHRFf

I hate Valentine's day....

126 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 13:03 ID:Heaven

Why? The commersialism?: Ah, yeah. Sucks ass.

Because it's an excuse to show the people in your life (no necessarily a significant other, but good friends and family) how much they matter?: ...WTF?!

Seriously, St. Valentine has as little to do with the modern V-day as Baby Jesus has with Christmas. Use it to suit your purpose, you don't have to follow some sort of pre-conceived notion about how it is to be celebrated, you don't even have to celebrate it at all. "Official" holidays just usually are very handy excuse for doing fun stuff.

127 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 14:15 ID:Heaven

'her undergraduate students still believe that a woman who has sexual experiences is a "whore." She explains how, in her English class today, her students were reading a poem about an older, free-spirited woman who likes kissing and physical intimacy and her students came to the conclusion that the narrator is a "ho."'

Those kids sound lot like the virginity-obsessed kids here.

128 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 23:58 ID:aE2CYQL8


Sheesh, whats wrong with wanting to lose your own virginity to someone who has saved their's as well? You make it sound like a bad thing.

129 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 08:01 ID:Heaven

It's not a bad thing, but using it as the biggest criterion for whether or not you are to partner with someone is downright retarded.

130 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 13:54 ID:dn36bBdf

I really enjoy our time together in this on this thread. So, same time next year?

131 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 19:18 ID:Heaven

It's a date.

132 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 20:09 ID:aE2CYQL8

To you maybe, but there are many other guys and girls that think otherwise. Thinking they are retarded for choosing their own mates based on that criteria is, well, dumb.

133 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 07:42 ID:Heaven

How are ya going to be certain of that a chick/bloke ain't de-virginized? Guys ain't got no hymen, and even hymen ain't no freshness seal. It's just skin that the bod forgot to remove more thoroughly.

134 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 08:03 ID:Heaven

"Only about 50% of teens and women experience bleeding the first time they have intercourse, so blood stained bed sheets are not a reliable indicator of prior virginity. The hymen of some women tear on more than one occasion. There are even hymen that are elastic enough to permit a penis to enter without tearing, or tear only partially."

135 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 17:37 ID:Heaven


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