Valentines Day (135)

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-06 10:31 ID:/AFcVTh+

ive just started seeing a girl and im not sure what we're doing about valentines... im going down there this wkend but we havent spoken specifically about it/getting presents... i dont want to really do something overboard cus i still dont really know much about her...

so i was thinking: make her a card? and also i was gonna maybe burn a mix CD for her - not love love songs, just songs that make me happy and/or think about her without being oversentimental. also she wants me to give her a massage so she knows im bringing massage oils, but i was thinking also bringing lots of scented candles and a good chill-out CD? what does everyone think of these ideas? remember, i dont want it to be like "omg i love you" but more like "i like you and want to spend more time getting to know you" sorta thing. also, its her birthday in a few weeks anyway so i still need some present ideas for that haha

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