We've all been here, right? (37)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 14:55 ID:H03lDSEG

Ok, lemme set up the classic backstory. I'm a few months past 19, I'd say I'm 19.25 years old right now. I don't really get along with a lot of my friends from high school anymore, since I had a major personality shift when I got into college. But there's this one girl from high school that's going to my college that I always used to get into arguments with, even though she's in my circle of friends. And I mean, we'd be at each other's throats with sharp objects half of the time over some stupid anime! Soon I got over the things about her that ticked me off, and I've been kinda crushing on her ever since.

Now, I'm a fatass american. You know, the 'nice guy' that no one in their right mind would date. And that's what I've been, just a general nice guy. She's always on some IM program, so I listen to her rant and rave about her dysfunctional family and - here's the worst bit - her psycho boyfriend. I cannot stand the guy, and not just because he's claimed my friend. The guy is just CREEPY and possesive. Luckily, the bastard lives more than 3 states away, so it's not like he's always hovering around her. Another problem, this girl used to be my best friend's girlfriend. The two of them have always been best friends, but recently she actually told me that she thinks of me as her best friend right now, even more so that she thinks of her boyfriend.

I felt terrible! Sure, on one hand, I feel great because I know I am helping someone get through this... but on the other, I feel like I've betrayed MY best friend by stealing his spot as her go-to guy. (Granted, she's made it obvious that if she gets no sex out of this relationship, she's just gonna trot on over to my friend's house and fuck his brains out.)

Here's the worst bit, there's some high schooler that - according to my friends that are still in HS - kinda has a thing for me. Of course, she's also fat. Here's my situation, though... I hate fat people, including myself. Granted, this girl is smart and has a nice personality... but that's where it ends. I shouldn't feel picky, really, but I am. I mean, I don't plan to be fat for long, I've already lost 50 pounds over the last half-year. (Putting me around 360-ish, which is better than before.)

So yeah, I'm stuck in a bleedin' minefield. I don't know what to do! Should I brush off the fattish girl, even though she's not bad off financially or academically and is apparently desperate for some 'attention'? Or should I wait it out with my friend, and twist the knife in my back just a little more?

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