We've all been here, right? (37)

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-05 10:46 ID:SjR41D4M

>we'd be at each other's throats with sharp objects half of the time over some stupid anime
>I'm also a fan of anime, but nowhere near the level of a wapanese.

Does not compute.

I think race card guy is also Steyr AUG guy from the other thread. Nevertheless, I lol'd.

Anyways, advice:
Your friend isn't going to be mad that you are now her shoulder to cry on. That shit isn't fun, and you are never going to get anything out of it. She'll call you at 3AM and wake you up crying that she needs a ride because her abusive boyfriend hit her and locked her outside or something and you will go. She will then say something as wonderful as "why can't more guys be like you?" and you will want to kill her.

The highschool girl.. forget about it. College and highschool do not mix well.

The ex-highschool girl she's never going to go for you. Never. The heat death from entropy will happen before she even thinks of you romantically, and even if she did she would either not want to "ruin what you have together" or would be weirded out because she "thinks of you as a brother".

You have no prospects, sorry.

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