Attached but wanting (11)

1 Name: Laine : 2006-05-03 17:00 ID:RUBNi3Fq

I'm kinda hving the problem. There's this guy I like in my D&D group that I got to on Sundays. I've liked him for years, but he's almost 24 now, pale, gangly and a fairly strict christian. He's never had a girlfriend and I'm sure he hasn't even been kissed.

I'm in a serious relationship now though and have been for the last year and a half. Before that I was all flirty with him but he never gave any sign that he liked me back, but I'm sure he did/does, he's really a shy guy.

Anyway, lately I just havn't been able to stop thinking about him and if I try anything like I've been fantisizing about I'm going to ruin my relationship and quite a few friendships. What should I do?

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