More Mature? (57)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-13 23:31 ID:PITiFD71

Is it just me or are kids these days a lot more mature than we were? I mean, back in fifth grade we used to have crushes and everything, but no one would even consider having boyfriends and girlfriends. Or maybe I'm just jealous because I never got that much action back then (still don't...)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 00:13 ID:Heaven

Mature? No.

Having sex earlier and setting new records in teen pregnancy and STDs? Yes!

TV tells me if I haven't sucked a cock by 12 I'm a frigid bitch.
True story

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 00:36 ID:LgFwok1K

Are you kidding? 13 year old girl having sex with a high school drop out does not = mature. Less extreme: having a boyfriend or girlfriend does not = mature. It's all pop culture. Out of all the girls and boys that claim they're bisexual, probably 5% actually are. The rest are "bisexual" because it's so cool and ideal.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 06:42 ID:rHBhS66T

I think that kids like to think that they are mature. How many times have you heard "I am mature for my age"? Doing adult things at a young age does not make a kid mature, it puts them in situations that they cannot cope with.

Some kids are more mature than others, but most are not. To me it seems that kids are even more ignorant and immature. If they were so mature, they would not do all the stupid crap that they do.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 09:04 ID:Heaven

>The rest are "bisexual" because it's so cool and ideal.

I'd say because it fits a hedonistic outlook they're striving for.

6 Name: >>1 from another thread : 2006-05-14 10:45 ID:VBuORHGU

I'm not quite sure what >>1 was smoking. But, on behalf of >>1s everywhere, I apologize for the shitty premise of this thread.

>>2-5 say things that I agree with. Kids these days, hell, PEOPLE these days, are lacking in maturity, in matters of 'Love & Romance' among other things. Umm, myself included of course. I guess I can't really say much about it without repeating what you guys said already, can I?

From what I've experienced first-hand, though, people are pretty indecisive about a lot of things, which leads to insecurity, moodiness and lots and lots of yelling.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 14:21 ID:PITiFD71

and because they want to piss their parents off, let's not forget that.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 15:13 ID:4C18gtCM

As someone who actually is genuinely bisexual (not someone who engages in sex with people of both genders because it's some sort of supposed fad), I resent the notion that being bisexual automatically means you want to shag anything human with a pulse and spend hours and years devoting yourself to short time gain. Something as volatile as pleasure, even.

That has nothing to do with sexuality, and everything to do with lack of care. I'm a lot more picky about whom I get together with than the vast majority of my "straight"/"gay" friends. For instance I know guys who want ANY girl. Literally. They think that as long as they hook up with someone and have sex, it'll work out and everything will solve itself. FFS, what ever happened to standards, selfesteem and a common sense, people? If it isn't someone you'd trust nor want to be a friend with, why the hell are dating or even fucking the person? And feeling "broken" trying to make yourself whole even if just for a fleeting moment by sex really isn't a healthy thing either. If you have issues, you deal with them. You do not waste a lot of time pretending to fix them when you're only making your inner erosion greater.

I guess this truly does show that people use the "bisexual" term as a binary label (monosexual vs bisexual) in spite of that it
really is more than a gradual scale, as well as a generic random term for any kind of person who doesn't stick 100% to a single gender (people who can for instance have crushes on both genders, yet only can have a serious longterm relationship with one etc)

Sorry about the semi-related rant, just tired of people lumping a way too wide range of different people together and seriously treating them as a homogenous group. I'd almost like the abolishment of some labels, had it not been a completely idiotic course of action and very unpractical.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 17:41 ID:Heaven

>I resent the notion that being bisexual automatically means you want to shag anything human with a pulse and spend hours and years devoting yourself to short time gain.

Where did >>5 say or imply that?

Sheesh, persecution complex much?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 22:48 ID:D5kqy5b4

>>4 Ulrich came to mind!

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 22:52 ID:Heaven

>>8 if you'll look closely, he quoted the part of my post in which I pointed out that a lot of young kids are bisexual just because it's popular/cool/etc., and gave his own, perhaps better, reason. Nobody is saying anything about people who actually are romantically and physically attracted to both genders!

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-15 08:34 ID:/7b3NPwh

I'm bisexual, and I get laid the least out of anyone I know. Probably because I'm 40. orz

13 Name: Admirable Secret!3pI2s8EqCA : 2006-05-18 06:20 ID:4kT7ySUc



14 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 06:59 ID:TDF83TsI

In Junior High, I was just as every other idiotic "normal" person but now I know that everything is corrupt. I will have nothing to do with the lustful ambitious tendencies of sex and hormones. I renounce them all, and stay morally adept instead of my primitive, instinctive peers who grew corrupt.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 09:01 ID:Heaven

Quit posting your "I'm so superior" bullshit in every fucking thread. If you're not gonna discuss the topic at hand, lurk moar.

16 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 22:27 ID:eVOyqEgc

I don't remember posting that in this thread. x.x

>15 No one is acting superior, just stating what actually occurs.

17 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 23:29 ID:hvdrhQR9

I myself occasionally think I am insane.

18 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 10:52 ID:WgD2eTkc


I might become that way one day, and not suprisingly because of idiots like you. Instead of mimicing me and acting like and idiot at the same time, you need to focus on this thread and others. YOU are a troll.

19 Name: Ulrich!b/J5P5LN4s : 2006-05-19 18:26 ID:5IRQ6vhD

>>18 needs to leave Love & Romance, because he has destroyed this board with his unwanted nihilistic views. Nobody comes here looking for love advice because they want to be told "Love is corrupt you're a primitive being for even trying." They want advice that will HELP them. And we know, we know, you BELIEVE that you're helping them by trying to tell them how meaningless it is. But spoilers! You're wrong.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-19 19:05 ID:Heaven

Now that everyone's fed up with him and the fake Ulriches have popped up hopefully everyone will learn to just ignore the nihilist copype and go on with business as usual.

21 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 20:18 ID:jZibk3uv

>>19 That is my advice, MY opinion. There is nothing wrong with that. Oh, but it is, simply because you think it is.
Society IS that bad. I came here one day with the intention of imposing my views and requesting for feedback, not ignorance, being called a "troll" constantly, or how insane I am. You, and many others are so uncomprimising, you literally contradict yourselves.

Anyway, this topic has nothing to do with me, so I'll leave it, for the sake of sanity.

22 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 23:26 ID:1PFeARgQ

I might be "corrupting" this board in one sense, because I have proven it's ideological fatality and falsity. It's up to you to decide from that point.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-19 23:47 ID:rHBhS66T


You have proven nothing, you are simply a person typing a thought that means nothing to anyone.

24 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 00:40 ID:dlRXEmX6

Well, think what you will. You're just highly ignorant to the fact.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 01:33 ID:rHBhS66T

I did not say that you were right or wrong, I said you have proven nothing! The examples you give in other threads are opinion and vast generalizations, not fact. To say that your belief is truth based on nothing is ignorant.

It is the same for those who say it does exist, where are the facts that prove it. A feeling is not a fact.

26 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 01:38 ID:dlRXEmX6

This all comes from simple logic. Facts. You people fail to realize this. Or are you concealed with denial? Quite possibly. "Oh, let's live our lives out and don't worrry about what befalls us". Typical.

27 Name: Ulrich!b/J5P5LN4s : 2006-05-20 02:49 ID:Heaven

>>25 You are a fool! I don't make generalizations, that's everyone else!

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 02:51 ID:rHBhS66T

The "Oh, let's live our lives out and don't worry about what befalls us," mentality is for the ignortantly bliss and the weak. It leads to things such as the mass suicide at Jonestown. People with this mentality have a need to have faith in something else to make themselves happy.

I have faith only in myself, not love, a god, or other people. I am also not so full of myself to think that I have the right to tell everyone what they believe in is wrong and that I am right. That leads to extremism and even more ignorance.

I am not saying you are wrong, and I am not even saying to go away like other people. I am saying do not think you are so important, because people will not take you seriously. People laugh at the pompous.

29 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 03:01 ID:xDGlI35a

Arrogance is something I disdain. Something I fathom. Why would I align myself with a primitive essence? I've no reason to be arrogant about anything. Even if I knew everything, and were omniscient as God himself, I would have no reason to be arrogant, because I am a human being just like you or anyone else. Just because you might have an advantage over someone does not mean you are superior. I know that for a fact. Pompous people are the ones that annoy me anyway. I bet you call every young intellectual arrogant, immature and foolish, eh? Pitiful.

30 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 03:06 ID:8fFdbfwn

You are just arguing with a bunch of phonies. It's very comical to watch idiots mimic me to make everyone fathom me so. All of your efforts are futile in doing so.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 03:20 ID:Heaven

Well I AM saying to go away, Ulrich. Nobody wants to hear your opinions here. Nobody comes here to be talked into believing that love isn't worth it. We come here to get advice on making love work, which is something you have absolutely NO experience in. It's like a communist coming to a meeting of a democracy and telling everyone how great communism is. Nobody wants to hear it! They want to talk about democracy, not communism. Just as we want to talk about "LOVE & ROMANCE" not the corruption of the world.

You can call anything a fact, but that doesn't MAKE it a fact. You do not base your views on facts, you base them on generalizations, stereotypes, everything that helps make ignorance thrive. Then you turn around and condemn everybody else of making generalizations and being ignorant hypocrites. I have not seen anything from you on this board that is relevant to facts. Just extreme opinions on things you have only "analyzed" and not experienced.

The sad fact, though, is that there will always be people like Ulrich. If Ulrich grows out of his nihilism, there will only be ten new 13 year olds that have suddenly figured out how horrible the world is.

Nobody wants you to stay, yet you continue to fag up this board. If we are so stupid and ignorant, why don't you take this shit to somebody who actually wants to hear it and argue with you? You don't, though. For some reason, you continue to stay here and annoy us, probably just because you like to see us be so angry at you (what a primitive desire). Know what that makes you? A troll.


>I have accumulated knowledge. One is as intelligent as one speaks to be.

You speak in a very arrogant way. It's annoying. That's all there is to it.

32 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 03:22 ID:WWmyX/zG

You are a very ignorant being, now ranting against me with pathetic jokes. You are all somewhat in intellectually and ethinically baised in your own way. In the end you are all pathetic and simple-minded, and just as your ancestors of past ages, you too fall into the desolate wasteland of corruption and violence, never wavering.

33 Name: 28 : 2006-05-20 04:37 ID:rHBhS66T

I apologize for mistaking you for arrogant, but you do come across that way. You call everyone who disagrees with you ignorant or pitiful. It is no better than those who think because you are young that you know nothing of the world.

I also do not call every young intellectual arrogant, immature, and foolish. By saying that, you are assuming that I am of a much older age and not young. I am young, not even eighteen! I have no right to look down upon other young people. Doing that would make me conceited and conceited people are so unpleasant.

34 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 05:12 ID:hvdrhQR9

They are too primitive to listen to reason. I spoke my opinions and gave feedback to their's, so, in turn, they retaliate by acting immature and childish to irritate me and supposedly make me leave like some child. It's bad when you contradict yourself on a consistent basis. And you will all probably reply to this topic with hatred as well, bah.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 05:54 ID:Heaven

Ulrich can't be anything but a troll. Anyone who contradicts himself in such a hypocritical way can't be serious! Everything Ulrich complains about he does himself. It's mind-numbingly frustrating. It sure is mature and intelligent to think of your own personal opinions as facts and denounce anyone who thinks otherwise as primitive and ignorant. Arrogance at its worst. And we can't listen to REASON? It sure is REASONABLE to come to a board and continue to corrupt it despite everyone's asking you to leave. Although, it seems to be that the INTELLIGENT and REASONABLE solution would be to go somewhere where your extremist views are welcome.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 06:26 ID:rHBhS66T

I am so tired of this Ulrich! The man who spoke of finding the perfect woman and Valhalla had much more interesting things to say. His comments were actually unique.

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 08:16 ID:x80bl72S

He was actually funny unlike Ulrich's in(s)ane ramblings which are totally disconnected from reality and based on "facts" that are not presented and numerous logical fallacies. Hotaru loving guy, please come back and make this place worth browsing again

38 Name: Ulrich!KYqoiqAXww : 2006-05-20 12:05 ID:lh217fvF


39 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-22 16:19 ID:37HWWEuv

Kids are more mature these days. Definitely. With proper guidance, they start maturing as soon as puberty or before. Often I see young teens being more mature and lecturing their parents in the most amazing things.

Kids can analyze more things subconsciously than ever before. And they are more aware of their surroundings. I got some stories about my beloved children (they are not really mine)...

For instance, this 6yr-old's reaction simply dumbfounded me:
I picked the kid to sit on my lap and she said she didn't want to sit there cuz my "pipi" (kid's language for dick) was there! No, I did not have a boner, it was the wallet. Kids these days know everything!

Another kid I know is very attached to me. 5 years old and she once seriously wanted to marry me. When I had to leave to another country, she started crying! Kids sure can be cute.

Most children love me, I think because I got good empathy and communication skills, I can even communicate with babies (and because I play with them too). I love children.

However, how mature a child becomes depends 100% on the parents and how they were raised. Treat kids like adults, they will learn the responsible ways of an adult. Treat them like kids, they will remain stupid. Sex awareness needs to come as soon as they know the difference between the sexes, and guidance comes not so much with words, but across actions and commands. Kids get the message. During puberty, verbal confirmation of what's responsible and not is needed.

I believe children are evolving quicker than ever before.

40 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-23 00:52 ID:Heaven

Dumbest shit I've read since Ulrich's retarded posts. I was hoping this place woud be troll free now that Ulrich left.

41 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-23 19:20 ID:Heaven

I know, it's pretty stupid. I actually thought sharing a different point of view would be interesting, but I know it's not. Besides, this board is not for discussing children or psychology. I'll bear in mind this board is interested in just sex. Saged and let this topic die.

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-24 13:06 ID:vmIiMwQm

Maybe more mature, or maybe just imitating what previous generations have taken many years to learn

Doing sexual things does not make someone mature, that thinking is superficial and disturbing, especially with how it has permeated the pop culture media machine

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-09 00:45 ID:lzgU9PSi

i love more mature women!

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-12 07:12 ID:q2GaVBvL

Dumbass, they were talking about the behavior of children

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-12 14:01 ID:Heaven

i love mature behaving children!

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-12 22:45 ID:6uxeWSOG


err for a moment there that sounded wrong...

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-14 21:17 ID:lzgU9PSi

yo mireille guy! we don't mind alternative views, but we do mind blatant selfgratification. A guy whose name started with U and finished with lrich sure pissed off everybody here doing just that. So be humble, cuz we're sore on that spot. (plus we watch too much anime and absorb japanese culture, like humbleness n shit.

and i sure love mature women!

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-15 21:50 ID:Heaven

>>39 is creepy

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-17 01:28 ID:Heaven


50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-22 23:41 ID:LXYFIs/0

kids these days are not more mature they just seem that way because they have greater access to information than we had when we were growing up. In essence they have lost some of their innocence. Not only that but have a serious look around at their role models. A perfect parody of this was the southpark episode with Paris Hilton.
This image of kids being more mature leads to perverts justifying the abuse of kids and compaigning for the abolishment of / relaxing of the age of consent.

Whoa serious rant need to take my pills,

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-22 23:45 ID:tJYlA+fC

Don't have a heart attack, >>50!!

Things aren't much different than they were 20 years ago; we just hear about it more often thanks to the internet. the prevalence of TVs and a shift in the attitude of the media.

Kids were still taking drugs, fucking each other and thinking they were unique and misunderstood back then, too. :>

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-01 12:33 ID:BRKoOpul

Kids are quite screwed up nowadays. They're not more mature, it's just that they lack a childhood and are forced to grow up from what are mostly, media influences. Kids with no care for fashion or have no prejudices = no profit. Hence, the commercialising of skanky dolls who wear excessive makeup and short minis. Seriously, I will not be surprised if in 10 years we end up with a generation of socially inept and depressed teenagers. We've already seen it in the rise of the "emo culture" (and I use the word culture loosely), where pre-teens feel the need for attention due to their apparently screwed up lives. Initially I found it funny how such "alternative" values could become so mainstream. But really, it has gotten to the point where the whole thing is just a little sad.

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-01 13:12 ID:Heaven

emo girls are cute. pity they're underage.

54 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-01 13:33 ID:OWlHAsoz

>>53 fails at life

55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-01 15:31 ID:Heaven

fails at sage

56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-01 21:09 ID:OWlHAsoz

>>55 fails at age

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-02 02:41 ID:Heaven

emo girls fail at age

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