What a great friend?? (46)

1 Name: Chosen : 2006-05-20 06:43 ID:OcYvaA0E

Hello all. Like a lot of other people on 4-ch I have this problem. Well Tonight was my prom night and everything is going great between me and my date and w/e....my friend (who is dateless)cracks jokes all night and flirts with my date (knowing that I like her). It happend here and there but i thought nothing of it (maybe like juss being friendly or w/e) turns out through the whole night they go at it flirting...I try and sqeeze myself back in there with her but it doesnt go all that well....at the end of the night i didnt even get a good night kiss or anything(just a "bye")....GREAT FREIND HUH??....he knew what he was doing the whole night and she juss went along with it.....any suggestions on what I should do now....how should I approach this?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

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