Hitting on guys: OK or DO NOT WANT? (35)

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-29 02:28 ID:73TSG76W

I guess it's no use to speak out of personal preference when you're kind of unusual, but I don't care all that much about appearance, really. Also I don't mind if a girl has some fat on her, quite the opposite I think thats better than skinny.

And no I'm not ugly myself so I have to lower my standards, I think I look good, and for some reason girls who I would percieve to be way out of my league(not that I care, just as an observation) often show me interest or downright chase after me.

I just honestly care so much more about the inside. I'd say from a strictly superficial point of view, perhaps 80% of a well mixed female crowd look good enough for me to be able to fall in love with without effort. What really matters is if they have an inner warmth that light up their outside, it really transforms your pereception. I really can't get how superficial other people are, it's hurtful to hear rude remarks about peoples appearance, and often about girls I can find no fault with myself.

I don't know if I'm just an oddity, but I just like to say, nevermind the superficial shitheads, have faith in yourself to allow your inner beauty to show, because if others are like me, thats what does the main part in drawing attraction.

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