??s about having an Asian GF... (80)

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-06 07:44 ID:Heaven

Where the hell did you get that asian girl/women like black guys better than asian guys?

Black people are the most inferior of the race and they aren't pretty. If they are pretty, they are too dark for us to judge whether they are pretty or not because the darkness just cover the features.

I'm aware that asian girls/women prefer white guys because generally asian perceive white people are more superior, and have better facial features, such as bigger and rounder eyes, thinner and pointier noses, whiter and fresher skin tones, and having different colour of eyes and hair, blonde, red, orange, brown etc, and generally taller and having longer legs. But on the short hand, white people are more prone to fatness, more body and face hair, they smell bad, more prone to having diseases, age faster, and die earlier.

Asian men are feminised by the media and most women don't like men that have feminine qualities.

I'm not being racist, this is just how it is perceived generally.

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