??s about having an Asian GF... (80)

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-07 12:35 ID:Heaven


I think that others who aren't asian nerds themselves won't appreciate the time you spend doing the stuff you mentioned.

In my opinion, since I'm also like that, what I can say, I also want others to hold a better opinion for asian nerds. But I doubt it unless the industry tries to change that image. In the current state, I'm sure people generally don't look up upon us because we have these unproductive interests. People still find these interests to be immature and childish. The thing we can hope for is, atleast from what I can tell, more and more younger people are introduced into them, I think in the future most people would be aware and into them which can diminish the negative attitude people have with them.

Honestly, asian nerds are not well portrayed, I'm also one too btw, however I know that others don't find us attractive unless you are handsome, that would reduce it. But generally asian nerds aren't attractive, not even nerds in general, but there are exceptions. The only people who would of think of us in non-negative light are people who are nerds themselves. Even nerds themselves may know of this problem with how others negatively look at them. Most nerds are already fixated on their heads that they are losers. Even sometimes I can't help to think like that about myself, but I try to hold positive view in regards to the interests. Look most people here tend to behave negatively to the people on this forum and even reflect about what they are like, they even step onto themselves for liking these interests. They are cynics, sarcastic, etc, which kind of reflect their self-hatred and bitterness. People are rude here on these forum, the attitude is bad and degrading, don't you think it says something about the whole 4 -chan thing which revolves around nerd culture? It isn't good. People hate themselves for the way they are and the interest they have. They aren't proud of themselves and their hobby. Boards like these tend to attract these kind of people who hate themselves, so you get people that are like /b from 4-chan, because clearly they hate themselves and can't see the positive light about themselves and the nerd culture. Why do self-hatred community like something awful.com has to come and associate themselves with anime?!!

I hate to associate these kind of people to anime, it only brings a bad name to anime. Maybe otaku fetish such as hentai, lolicon, guro, yaoi, bondage, maid,robot,catgirls, nurse, pee, and all the fetish etc, maybe they are the reason these kind of people are attracted here even though they know nothing about the whole anime fandom, and less otaku culture.

Otaku interested nerds won't look well upon unless the people who are into it change their attitude about themselves and their hobby and other general people change their thinking for the better.

Again don't lump nerds together so casually, they should be differentiated againsn't their main interest. Otaku like Japanese anime, manga and games. Typical foreign nerds likes these including US and non-japanese stuff but less Japanese otaku stuff. Please don't lump them together, you can't call youself an otaku if you don't know Japanese, and also happen to like other non-japanese stuff as well. These seem wapanese, but the fact it really is, this is the idea that the japanese have come up and they intentionally made to be consumed by the japanese.

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