??s about having an Asian GF... (80)

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-07 13:20 ID:Heaven


Asian guys who talked about themselves or complained , the reason is that they are insecure because they are Asian who lives in a white country. Asian aren't the ruling class. Maybe their country but not foreign countries like the US. Most asians have inferiority complex, which ever way to look at it, asian have lost the battle to Europe. Remember Britain came and colonise?

We lost the war and pride. White people have superior technology and weapons back then, so they visited and conquered us. During that time white people look down on us, and they still now, but not as much. There seems to be propaganda to appeal the world that we are inferior. So these information, tradion, history has passed down to this generation and to this day, we hold on to this thinking. Think about hitler and aryan race being superior, that idea still prevails today.

White people who talks confidently talks to you genuinely is because they are white. their history is proud that they rule, subconnsciously it fixated in their minds throughout collectively. Therefore they aren't insecure, and because you are Asian yourself, they see you as inferior and weak in relating to them, so they can openly talk to you and your problems without fear of telling you about themselves, because they are confident that you aren't as good as him. Since they are white, they innately know that you won't be as good as him. So you see white people got it easy, they are born white and have not experience being suppressed and alienation since they are the majority.
And they have wider network, they occupy the goverment sturucture, trade industries, defense and military forces, corporate, businesses, many industries are staffed by them.

Asian don't have that many opportunities, and don't owned and affiliate with big companies, there are equal opportunities but its mainly white owned and occupied mostly by them, asian only get little piece out of it.

We can hope for more foreign Asian investments into White countries hopefully giving more opportunities to Asians.

We have China, Korea, and Japan, the rest of other asian countries mostly can't do jack, they can't do anything besides suck up to white countries, other more powerful countries.

It seems China has the military power, maybe in the future that will change, the truth is might makes right, whoever has more power will lead. At the bottom line, weapons and power, war is the way to go if changes needs to be made.

Whoever owns more land and resources, and has more superior technology in weapons, prevails at the end.

Asian girl/women wants to pass their genes with white people, so you see nowadays, alot of them try to get white guys. White guys don't have to look for them, on the other hand asian girls/women look for them instead. They want to mixed it with them to get the benefits, and since asian girls/women think of themselves as inferior, this would make them believe that they are superior, and feeling better about themselves, and pitying on their own people.

Truth is no one is equal.

in the end it doesn't matter, there are as many rights as there are people, if one certain person is strong enough to make a chnage, then he shall and battle it to the top.

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