??s about having an Asian GF... (80)

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-07 19:39 ID:XZBpxEeW

While all these last couple of posts have snippets of truth, they all make and contain hasty generalizations.

Look, the only way to improve the image of Asians is to change the way society looks at them and to do that, you need to change the way the are represented day-to-day, ie how they are portrayed in the media, because face it, when it comes to representation of the 4 most common groups in media, Asians really get shafted.

Stereotypes need to be countered by a variety of images. Whites are widely represented as warriors, lovers, thinkers, idiots, criminals, etc, but as we look at other groups, we find this spectrum narrows greatly. Blacks by far have made the greatest strides in representation, (because of the civil rights movement) but they still have a long way to go, and so does every other group. Whites are not the only ones guilty of the portrayal of others, minorities also impose these views upon other minority groups, which greatly complicates the problem as you have the oppressed oppressing the oppressed.

These stereotypes and ideas of behaviors, personalities, lifestyles, etc. of blacks, hispanics, Asians, Indians, Native Americans, other indigenous peoples, Arabs, Persians, people of mixed ethnicity/race, etc., even whites are put upon by anyone that broadcasts their thoughts to a wide audience, whether they do it knowingly or unknowingly. People must realize what they are putting out there for consumption (and who is consuming it) but we take the power of media for granted and are therefore exploited by it. Some of this can be solved through education, while the stubborn ones need a good mental lashing.

It's time for this shit to change. Now who the hell will do it? Cause that's the only fucking way some dumbfuck is going to get the fucking message that what they were taught is a crock of bullshit! The effects will not be quick. Change would take many generations to establish in society, but we owe it to our future so they do not suffer as we have (if you have, that is) and can live in a world where such heinous ideas are now laughed at for their ignorance.

This is what I have observed and learned as a citizen of the US who has seen the many images we put out to the world.

  • A Pissed Off Half Asian/Half White Media Student
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