??s about having an Asian GF... (80)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-31 04:33 ID:X52Er6Di

They eat chopped up blood worms but it is good to feed them chopped up peas as well for fiber.

If you provide your Asian Girlfriend with a box to go wee in you will not have to take her outside at all after proper training.
With love and proper training your Asian Girlfriend can even learn other tricks.

Asians are fine being alone in small spaces. In fact they love it. Most Asian girlfriends though enjoy being busy so be sure to leave many activities for your Asian girl friend to do!

The Asian girlfriend despite many myths about them are really color blind. This is evidenced in the wild by the out coverings they wear.

Good luck with your Asian girlfriend and remember to wash her once a week!

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