??s about having an Asian GF... (80)

78 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-03 02:35 ID:Heaven

Common stereotypical facts (which usually happen to be, unfortunately, true) about Asian girlfriends:

If your girlfriend is the control-freak type:
-Money is the most powerful aphrodesiac.
-You can sometimes substitute attention.
-Be aware that you'll probably be considered a trophy. If you're not presentable to her friends, she'll likely lose interest.
-Don't be surprised if she tries to change you. As a good friend of mine says - all good husbands need to be trained.

If your girlfriend is the "I pretend I have no self-esteem" type:
-Being handsome helps. Consult a plastic surgeon.
-Don't ever try to solve her problems, but try to appear interested.
-Learn the fine art of telling her her own opinion when she asks you for yours.
-Money is still the powerful aphrodesiac. Sorry. Nobody cares about your penis size if you're loaded. Do all the calisthenics or weightlifting you want if you think it helps.

If your girlfriend is neither, she's probably mentally transgendered. Treat her like a guy, but leave out the dirty jokes and fart jokes, or she might start to participate. Telltale signs are if your other male friends think she is "cool" instead of commenting on her physical endowments.

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