Getting over unrequited love. (15)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-04 21:21 ID:zsfGn/ei

I think, dont get over it. Enjoy it... think that you are alive to be able to feel something so strong for someone, and how lucky you are just for this. The fact that you are alive and have that powerful emotion running through you is itself a beautiful thing. Feeling emotion is probably the most important aspect of our humanity, and attaching a need for something which is for you beautiful but nevertheless material and impermanent in a way only diminishes the beauty of this amazing result of life that is love. If you need comfort just open your eyes, look at the sky... imagine the size of the universe in its myriad forms and if her face appears to you then remember she is but one part of our most wonderful dance of life. I have many times in my life felt this sort of feeling but this is how i have now learned to view it. Impermanence is nature of all that is, and so it is worth enjoying every moment. Even the days that you just wish would end are worth living and even those emotions which would explode out of your being are worth feeling.

Peace be with you.

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