having your first crush? (23)

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-25 09:45 ID:CtZIzQXk

Senior year, we only shared one class, of course it was Spanish. That Spanish teacher is the greatest teacher ever. She was like a universal grandma, very nice (Michael Jordan gave her a kiss because she was that nice) and very wise. One of the things she was proud was how she identified couples and was able to set them up. She predicted one of my buddies and this girl who he was really good friends with to marry, so far they are only dating but it is obvious they will marry. She also predicted another couple back in the day she was invited to their wedding. She would usually sit the couple next to each other and hope that they will grow close, plus she loves seeing how they interact to rid her boredom of the daily teaching. After about 2 weeks into the class, my permanent partner was her, even though she would make us change seats every month. My friend in the class, use to fix the teacher’s computer during lunch and it became a habit of him to just in the class with her during lunch to talk, again she was really nice. And I didn’t find this out until after high school but she thought Jen and I would be a nice couple. But it never happened. She actually had a boyfriend that she kept all year. I never really liked him because he was an emo kid, but I didn’t like emo kids. But nevertheless we were friends and did the stuff we did before and life went on but toward the end of that year, we slowly started drift apart and around that time, the thought that I would never be with her actually crossed my mind, though I denied it. That year’s yearbook signing, her post was nothing compared to last year’s. Plus I started to hang out more and more with a group of friends and she started to hang out more of her friends We decided to go to the same college, though her going there was a reason of me going there, I was smart enough to know that I should not jeopardize my future over a girl, I am Indian, I should study a lot and if I need a girl my Mom can just import one from the motherland

In college, we started to head in completely directions. My major was time consuming and I would spend nights studying in my room or library. Her major was relatively easy and she would find time to go out and party, drink, flirt, etc. And I remember in high school she told me she didn’t like to drink, ask her now and she will pull out a bottle of Absolute Vodka. Also she took up smoking, something I never expected her to do. I remember in the academic club I told the group that if we win states that we should all go smoke a victory cigar and she then lectures me about how bad smoking was. That first semester, outside of her parents’ control, she shed her old life and started a new one with a bang. She was turning into someone new who I was not attracted to. Everything that I liked about her was abandoned in college. I started to stop liking her but a feeling of hope was still there. But what truly ended it was the fact we planned to meet each other for lunch every day. But she would then stand me up, and to the point where we didn’t have lunch for 2 weeks and the only explanation she would tell me online later would be “Sorry, I’ll make it up later” By then, I told myself enough of this shit, get out while you have some dignity left. It was painful to trying convince myself that she is not good for me and I should move on. Eventually I did, and though Jen and I occasionally still talk, I hardly see her and the only thing that really exist between us is a memory of a friendship. I really cannot look back at high school with her beginning in it.

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