I need some advice (24)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-25 20:46 ID:Heaven

>What can anyone do about it without any evidence?

Let see, Michael Jackson was aquitted of sex related charges, but do you think parents are lining up to bring their kids him? This is such a taboo crime that they don't have to prove shit and society will hate you.

>That would be great advice if I could find a girl around my own age who likes me.

Nigga, get out of your mom's basement and find yourself a girl. Damnit, Match.com, or hire a dating service so they can set you up.

>People already think she's a whore, and she doesn't seem to care.

If she thinks she is a whore then she is and after you pound her pussy, because both of you think she is a whore, then a big black dude will be pounding your asshole.

>No, I didn't. I still don't. She actually knows more about that than I do. Maybe that's why girls my age don't like me...

Yeah of course girls don't like you, you are fucking retarded if a 12 year old is smarter than you.

>I doubt that. What would they put me in jail for?

Having sex with a minor, they don't have to get shit from her because she is "confused" and didn't know better and repressing all of her memories and shit like that.

It looks like you are adamant about going out with her. And if you still find excuses about doing it, they are a loser who is too lazy to clean up his act so he can go out with girls his age. Also you are a sicko to only limit yourself to a 12 year old girl.

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