I need some advice (24)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-26 11:25 ID:Heaven

It would be an insult to retarded people to call you retarded if you honestly think that no girl your age wants to date a guy who won't have sex with her. If you won't as much as even hug a chick, then you're going to have big problems. But nevertheless there are a few who'll save all body-contact to when they get married so even in that case you can find someone. If it's just sex you don't want to have yet, then that's hardly a reason for girls not to want you. One of my friends (22 years) who keeps having chicks fighting over him doesn't want to have sex outside of serious, longterm relationships - and everyone knows. He huggles, cuddles chicks and spends time with them, is kind, etc. They think it's a breath of fresh air to have a handsome guy who isn't out to just fuck them, or use romance as a way of getting laid, but uses romance for the sake of romance itself. They also feel safe knowing that they can have no strings attached compassion and flirting without winding up getting pressured into more. However, getting what they might feel is a demo for how he is as a boyfriend usually makes them fall head over heels for him. He's too picky about longterm life-partners though. I can't decide if he's a lucky bastard or if I should pity him.

OP, to me it sounds as if you're desperately trying to justify this pedophile relationship with her. I've known plenty of highly intelligent girls that hadn't even hit puberty, in my life. They lack important life-experience, however. The younger you are, the more limited to your own life-experience you are. This does not belong in a relationship with someone who's supposed to know better than that.

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