What is it with Girls and music? (Question for you all) (8)

1 Name: Seraphius : 2007-03-31 21:01 ID:2nd6Qvkl

Question for you all, but it requires a bit of backstory.

I never started dating at all and was nothing more than an antisocial geek until when I was 16, I started playing the guitar and singing in front of people in the church, later I ended up leading a band in the same setting. There did not seem to be a period of time longer than 2 months when I was not dating someone. This continued unit I was about half way though college and my studies and work kept me from having time to do this anymore. In college I then dated a girl for two years (who was a bit of an otaku, actually) and then realized that she wasnt the one, so I had to break up with her.

Now, about a yearand a half after that, I am 23, and it seems that nothing seems to happen anymore. I still like playing guitar, and love to sing, but am reluctant to go back to performance in front of others because I do not want to get female attention for that reason alone, and I also don't trust that I would not be playing for the wrong reasons.

I guess it kinda would make me feel cheap, I want someone to like me for who I am because later down the road, I might not want to play anymore, and at that point, what they were attracted to might not be there anymore.

I guess my question after all of this is:
Am I sane in my decision to not play in an effort to find a genuine relationship? Or is "bait and switch" just acceptable and necessary?

Also, what the hell is it with girls and music?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-01 02:31 ID:QcU9a6dI

I don't think it's the music, I think it's the fact that people who perform are "famous" (even if it's only fame in the limited sense of your social circle.) Girls like to be with "famous" people because then that makes them "famous" by association. It gets them attention. And girls love attention.

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