My brother just confessed to me that he's in love with me, what do i do? (140)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 04:14 ID:v+1s0KIV

My brother confessed to me yesturday that he has been in love with me romantically all throughout highschool (He's a senior right now and i'm a junior). This was a shock to me because, well obviously, he's my brother. It kind of makes me feel all dirty that he loves me in that way even though i never did anything to make him love me except be a really good sister to him. I really love him, as a brother, so i don't know what to do. He's been a really good brother, very protective of me, kind of extremely so (now that i think about it maybe i'm mistaking his protectiveness towards me whenever guys are involved with jealousy). I basically told my brother that i was shocked and that i didn't know what to say to him. He told me i didn't have to say anything and that he doesn't expect me to love him like that in return. So i don't know. What should i do because i don't want things to be awkward for us, even though he reassured me that it wouldn't. It's not like a crush either but he says he's in love with me. He's rejected a lot of girls throughout highschool and now i learn that it's because of me! I dont' know how to act around him now, do i just act like nothing has happened or do i address the issue and tell him nothing can come of this because he's my brother? The thing is, if he wasn't my brother i would date him because he's really handsome and he cares for me a lot and would make the perfect boyfriend i think.

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