Shadow of the Prom: Will she love me back!? (61)

1 Name: Spock : 2007-06-04 01:26 ID:BBWPEhb/

Hello minna-san,
Just last Firday I had my Senior Ball. I managed to go there with the girl that I had a big crush on.
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !
She wore a beautiful black dress, I can still see here sweet smile when I close my eyes. (^.^)
Sadly though, on Prom night we both had not such a good time, The DJ played mostly rap (which we both hate) and we both do not like to grind. (She is VERY religious and I am very shy IRL). So for almost all of the prom night we waltzed and did the slow dance in the hall away from everyone else. I especially loved the slow dance though I couldnt hold her close enough to me. When she was in my arms everything felt good and for the 1st time in half an year I was happy (although this quickly ended after a noticed that I was starting to get an erection O.o" I was terrified so I pulled back I bit and re adjusted my pants till it faded a short bit latter, I don't think she noticed though). (=~=;;;;;)

After the ball we rode over to the Senior Daze (an after party to make a drug/alcohol free event). It was actually more fun than the prom it's self. We both got balloon hats and I made her sing "Birdhouse in your Soul" by TMBG and in revenge she made me sing a song called "California Dreaming" with her.
Around 1:20 AM I called for my dad to pick us up, when he got there I had him play a waltz over the CD player thus we did our 'last waltz'.
When we arrived at her house I finally decided to ask her what I wanted to tell her for so long.
ME: u-u-u-Um, Carolyn?
Her: Yes?
ME: Uh, may I um, ask you a question?
Her: <smiles> sure (^-^*)
ME: Would you, um, ever consider, mabie going out with me some time? (._.)"
Her: mabie
Me:I dont need any decision right now, Just take as long as you need... goodnight
Her: sweetdreams <looks at me, smiles then closes the door)
Me: Sweetdreams

With that said, tomorrow I will be seeing her and I am really panicking!!!
I need some advise on where to go from now and something to calm my nerves (mabie a small cup of hot ume sake?)

I wish to be the next Densha Otoko! But I am very fugly and have no luck :(
However, I burned the Densha Otoko TV sonto DVD for her, I hope it will help my chances

                                         _  _
~Spock .\\//

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-04 03:13 ID:jzGon7hv

this makes me puke a little in my mouth.
i so hope this is superfucking troll because i am in the process cutting off my vagina in pure animal rage.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-04 03:18 ID:A4zJzNJQ

Wait... what?

What about that Densha-thing? Why do you even think you need that?

Okay, let's try to review what happened from a neutral point of view.

1- she went to the prom with you
2- she thought the same thing about it
3- you managed to dance a slow away from the rest of the other people
4- you waltzed with her
5- she made you sing a song (and "California Dreaming" is a sweet one) together
5- you waltzed with her, again
6- you asked her in a very courteous manner
7- seems that you've been respecting her and her ideas the whole prom night (no alcohol, no drugs, respecting the distance, and stuff).
8- when you asked her if she was considering to go out with you, she did not say no.

Okay, I could sniff some more details to add to the list, and I'm quite sure you could add some more you didn't even realize did count.

Now, you just have to keep your head clear, and continue on this very good direction. You said she could take her time, leave her some days to think about it, but don't step away from her. Don't mention it, but make her understand that you were serious - hang around, and maybe in a few days ask her to go eat somewhere (nothing too "official", stay light when you start), well, you see.

See, that whole Densha-melodrama isn't even needed. You might want some advice & the like, but seriously... you're far from being a looser like he is.

Best luck.

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