Whats the big deal with "I love you" (33)

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-15 00:02 ID:1d+zT13B


This is stupid and frustrating. It would be a better world if everyone would be able to say "I love you" when they become sure of that.
When I like a girl, why should I be punished for actually showing it? Why do I have to hide it and act like she's not important to me?
Good thing is that you can't generalize every situation (and every person) with that approach, and there (hopefully) are women that value honesty. (Anyway, all of this matters to me only if it can be applied to the girl I'm in love with. And if somehow I'm able to get together with her, none of this will matter. I don't give a damn about rest of the world's female population, and I think many of you people feel the same, if you're in love...)

Sorry for my stupid rambling, this is just a rant by an inexperienced and quite depressed 19 year old...

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