I'm a girl, how should I be? (54)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-13 16:53 ID:aDvqYplJ


Measured from the knee, not the hipline. All those distances are relative to the length of the thigh.

Although, this post was originally meant to detail an example of how absolute proportion could be applied to lengths in inches. However, I discovered an unfortunate detail while trying to apply the formula to myself (hey, if I had a girl to test out these measurements on, I wouldn't be posting here, now would I?).

Absolute proportion theory cannot be applied to real girls without showing the danger zone. The ratio amongst the various distances is such that the skirt would be so short that it wouldn't hang down past the groin, unless one wore the skirt very low on the hipline.

This could perhaps be viewed as more evidence that moe and reality are fundamentally incompatible with one another.


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