Am I asking too much? (32)

12 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-07-01 21:47 ID:S5i9e24Y

It happen every once in while, when somebody write coherent, structured and to the point. Like here. Frigid Onanoko like those the best!

>>9 make good point. You want her to be more open to you, more outgoing and not passive, affectionate. A kiss just because she feel like it. Those little things that show she love you. That seems to be what you expect but you no get so you depressed (no?)

But FO wonder if she must act that way. Certainly she no need to be infatuated with you. Then again, interesting love require effort of two - onesided love only interesting for observers (with tragical inclination.) If she no feed relation, she is sabotaging it. Maybe she no aware of this, or maybe she just no wanna enter too deep a relation. Either way, current relation not visibly make her care much about it.

So your worries is: She may not know yet, but she loves you or she doesn't, or not very much. Which is it? and if not the first, should you move on?" Worst part, you have no idea how to find out. Depressing. >>9 has appropriate solution. Don't be too expecting from her, give this relation some time, its worth it. See what happen - it not guaranteed road to success, of course, (which is her unambiguous love for you) but it give relation chance of developing.
Love is also very personal, you have to be open to your own feelings and (when new to it) learn to interpret them, to deal with strong feelings you not had before. Shy people also may be shy to their own feelings, may block them (then again, shy can be from different causes and perhaps she way further than you on this point.)

Do as >>9. But can do more. Try to plan something to do together and involve her in it as well. Maybe a little trip to whatever, something maybe a month from now that involves finding out info. It need not be much, maybe just a day of hiking in the area, but at least an elaborated 'date.' Idea is, you both have something to look forward to and both plan for it. Healthy relationships involve teamwork anyway, so this good exercise. You will find out how your relation is from this. If afterward she is still indifferent about the project/trip/date thing, that should mean finding a way to let go of her.

Hoping this helps. Saying bye now!

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