A Gift From My Girlfriend! (4)

1 Name: Stu : 2007-07-02 07:56 ID:hZqyP7Oo

My girlfriend gave me a very interesting gift to me for our anniversary. Although I do have a slight problem with it ^_^

My girlfriend called me into the bedroom on our anniversary and presented me with a small box. She was very excited as she kissed me on the cheek and urged me to open it.

I opened the box and found that it was full of PORNO!!! of my girlfriend!!!. It appears she had a little photography session by herself ; )

"Wow" I replyed in amazment. I also got an erection just from the sight of it.

But unfortuantly this was no ordinary erection... IT WAS A DREW PICKLES ERECTION!!??!!!?!?

my cock would not stop growing. It kept getting bigger and bigger until I had to open a window to let it out of the house.

My cock is now farther than my eyes can see. NASA called me on the telephone to tell me that they can see it from space and also told me...


My girlfriend is actually a little pleased by the whole situation X D

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 15:40 ID:Heaven

Same sad and lonely troll.

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