Lonely (30)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 08:52 ID:oexaAaAJ

I'm sure this is all very generic. I'm lonely, guys. Completely, utterly lonely. I don't know why, I mean, not to be conceited or anything, but I'm a fairly nice guy, if a little passive at times, okay-looking (some people have said I'm good/very good looking), while I'm not exactly "fit", I'm not fat (a little under weight, but it's not noticeable), have a good sense of humour, listen, take an interest in people and have a broad range of interests.

So what's wrong with me? I just want someone special in my life.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 10:39 ID:n98CACDN

try to find someone on the internet to talk to. It's really easy to make friends online, and it takes up a lot of your time.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 11:13 ID:3B7NORQB

go to chat rooms. they are plenty of fun.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 16:09 ID:YZ4JEW+u

I wouldn't suggest chat rooms like the previous Secret Admirers. Try getting yourself in some kind of classes, socialize in real life, try something that will make your passive self disappear. Like a martial art or something.

Your problem is that maybe you aren't very interesting, being passive, ordinary, stuff like that make people bored, and so they dont want to stick around you.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 17:58 ID:5gCCg1kv


Hey, this guy sounds like me. Except he's probably cooler.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 18:19 ID:VnSnterT

>>1 have you ever even tried to get someone special in your life? imagine that you did have that super special someone in your life, what would happen? what would you talk about? how would you interact? what would she like most about you? what would she dislike most about you? and so on until created a virtual relationship that you can use as generic model to implement in reality. then head outdoors and not a give a fuck and pull some digits. the world doesnt give a damn whether you win or fail so just continually try, fail, learn, and eventually take and own.
like that

7 Name: eternal single guy : 2007-07-08 01:35 ID:bRLK5t2j

I've always tried to get a girlfriend, but they all reject me. Most of them say I'm not their type and the ones who are more honest in their opinion say I'm not good-looking enough (which means they think I'm ugly). I've tried a million times at uni and it gave me the reputation of the guy who can't get a gf. I'm actually quite naive and keep trying, but every time they reject me. They say looks are not that important, but according to them I am way below average which makes it impossible for them to be with me. As you might understand, this is quite frustrating. I've been at uni for ages on purpose because I wanted to stay in the scene until I found a gf. After many years I gave up and graduated. Now I'm 31 and still being rejected. I'm working full-time and never meet new girls because of my daily routine. When I do meet a girl once a year, she almost automatically runs away from me when she sees me. It's really frustrating to be so unattractive that no girl wants to be with you. They don't even give me a change to let them know me. They all ignore me or go away. If I try to make contact, they're like "NO WAY!!!".

Because of my current age I don't have that much options anymore. Since every girl reject me, even though I do my best, I think I'll just die lonely. I'm actually not pitying myself. I just consider it a fact that some people like myself are born with this curse. I try to fight out of it, but if you're too unattractive it's no use. Ever noticed how good-looking guys don't need to do anything special? They just have to be present and all the girls go to him as if he's a magnet. They are all open to him and give him all the chances he needs. But they won' give me a chance at all. Even the not so good-looking girls are way too arrogant to me.

Everywhere I go, I try to get to know girls. It doesn't matter where, but they always literally walk away from me because they think I'm scary. Sometimes I'd rather be a baboon because they all look alike and can get it on with every female. Because of all this shit I've developed a secret form of hatred toward females.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-08 04:52 ID:YZ4JEW+u

>>7 Damn, i don't even know what to say. Your post really made me think again about the amount of boys like you i rejected. When I did reject them, i felt bad about it, but since i don't like pitying people i decided not to care too much ... Mainly because i didn't want to be false and actually go out with them, when i couldn't stand their faces (or personalitties, most of them were really weak and clingy, and i don't like that) ...

My thought about this is that ... Maybe trying to ask girls as unattractive as you out ? It could prove interesting once you found out about her inner self, no ?

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-08 06:11 ID:oexaAaAJ

I am in classes. I'm studying some child care-centric classes at the moment. However, my job doesn't let me get into too much. At the moment, it's once a month, because I work eight hours a day five days a week and need the other two to recuperate and get rid of any illnesses I've contracted from the kids at work.

I don't know if cool is a word I'd use to describe myself. Thanks, though. I think?

Yes, I have. I've had a girlfriend who broke up with me because she didn't have the same feelings for me anymore. She was a little cold, but she'd had a lot of boyfriends. I think I was one of those "rebound relationships", though I didn't notice it at the time. She'd just dumped a guy and I was the one who usually comforted her when she was sad or upset. We didn't have that much in common, but I had a lot of fun with her. We'd get into little arguments (not serious ones) about music. She liked emo and rap while I like classical and Celtic music. I'm not sure what she liked the most about me. The thing she disliked the most is that I worried to much about her (though I think I didn't. Is it legitimate to want to talk to your girlfriend about how she's feeling if she cut herself multiple times with a razor blade?). But, to quote Northern Exposure, sometimes when you look back on a situation, you realize it wasn't all you thought it was. A beautiful girl walked into your life. You fell in love. Or did you? Maybe it was only a childish infatuation, or maybe just a brief moment of vanity. Take and own? I don't quite follow that.

>>7 I can relate to a degree. I've only had one girlfriend; the one above. A few things.
->They say looks are not that important, but according to them I am way below average which makes it impossible for them to be with me. As you might understand, this is quite frustrating.

This really gets me about girls, too, because, honestly, I don't think looks are important. When they're 70, they're all going to be old, and unless they're three quarters action figure, their looks will fade. A kind heart is what I look for.

->It's really frustrating to be so unattractive that no girl wants to be with you.

When you say unattractive, how do you mean? Fat? Skinny? Deformed? A lot of things can be changed if you're willing to put the requirements into it.

->I think I'll just die lonely. I'm actually not pitying myself. I just consider it a fact that some people like myself are born with this curse

I used to be like that, and was actually quite comfortable in it. I was bitter at first, but then just grew comfortable with it. Unfortunately, that comfort got taken away, and I've been left up the creek without a paddle.

->Ever noticed how good-looking guys don't need to do anything special? They just have to be present and all the girls go to him as if he's a magnet. They are all open to him and give him all the chances he needs. But they won' give me a chance at all. Even the not so good-looking girls are way too arrogant to me.

Good-looking guys are mostly arrogant jerks. As girls get older, they'll realise that. (I think...) Also, are looks important to you?

>>8 Well, at least you were being honest, I suppose. Perhaps you should look to your own advice, too, though. "It could prove interesting once you found out about her inner self, no?"

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-08 11:34 ID:i+2ZOf6p

>Well, at least you were being honest, I suppose. Perhaps you should look to your own advice, too, though. "It could prove interesting once you found out about her inner self, no?"

>>8 here

Most women are pretty stuck to this type of things because they had this childhood with enchanted princes and less about their personalities, though with age they start caring about personality, like i do, we still go for the image, and not just the personality.

In truth i do have a boyfriend and he's not that good-looking but i am completely in love with him, and we've been together for a long time now, he too has an image, though it's more related to the things he did in his past, and does now, because he's strong and reliable. He's attractive, and so am I. I don't want to sound arrogant at all, I'm trying to analyze the situation so that i can maybe help.

Just wanted to say that not only looks matter, but sensuality or image matters a lot too. So whoever wants to look for a girlfriend should create their own image, the generic nice guy doesn't work anymore, at least not with most of the girls. It is not sad or bad that women work this way, they just do.

It doesn't necessarily mean that I am less intelligent than a woman who likes unattractive guys, it just means I work that way, and there is no point to change it because ... It's only a relationship, i don't value them that much. If there is love, there is, if there isn't, there simply isn't, there a lot more things to love in this world, to whom we can dedicate our lives to.

Great genius were made like that, love yourself, and your work above everything else, that is a great big step to having women like you btw.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-08 15:52 ID:X8hMlXPu

If you're anything like me, be careful about getting hurt! Because when you're lonely, it makes it that much more painful when you finally do find someone special and you lose them.

My girlfriend doesn't love me the way I love her; our relationship is a low priority in her life, while to me it means everything. As soon as something else comes up, we both know she'll be gone. I have this terrible feeling it's going to end painfully for me. Before I met her, I was lonely like you describe, and gave myself completely to her even when I knew she didn't reciprocate. I shouldn't have done that, because now I am completely dependent on her.

I guess the point is that if you do finally meet someone special, don't put all your hopes in them even if it's tempting. Otherwise you could end up even more lonely than you were before.

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