Need some balls. (15)

11 Name: lanslot : 2007-08-19 08:55 ID:yydTk5g7

Hi, knowing that your last two girlfriends initiated the talk to you means that your looks are above average or you are good looking, so what I mean is you actually have a lesser problem here.

What you should do is take a deep breath. clear up your mind. Don't think of many things. Maybe when you see a nice girl you think of how can i talk to her? you think of many ways how to talk to that girl to the extent that when you have come up with one the girl is not there anymore. So stop thinking. I'm not experience in this i just based this from a lot of people specially my friends and also to the society now.

Like I said, it looks like you are a above average in looks or good looking based from what you post. So there will be no problem. You see some girls actually looks for above average guys or good looking guys, but you asking why some not so good looking guys gets girls right? well they are what you call sweet talker or a good talker, that's their charisma.. but you since you have good looks.. a Simple Hello and a simple what's your name and a smile.. can actually do it or is enough...

Dude, lastly.. it although we can say many things here in the end you are the only one who can help yourself.. you have to initiate it since it's your own body.. know yourself.. try to talk to people you know since you said you are shy and not talkative why not try first to talk a lot to friends or people you know because atleast you will accustomed with it..

Just Be Yourself is good.. But please do no limit yourself.. Just being yourself is not good.. Try to improve.. i'm not saying to pretend I'm saying Improve what lacks you..

and like what I said.. we really don't know what will happen until you try it.. Sometimes a simple hello and a simple smile does it all....

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