Really need help (34)

12 Name: Kurono : 2007-08-24 01:08 ID:4Ib0IKWd

I was sort of able to talk to her today. But it was a bit awkward. My friends sort of got into it and one of them knew one of the people she was with. Unfortunately, he told her friend that I liked her. Well in any event, I was able to see her and talk to her. At first it felt as though I had FAILED, because she told them that my friend, can't tell which, liked her. However, in retrospect it isn't that bad because I "KNOW" her now, but was only able to say "Hello." Unlike what some people said the rest didn't come naturally. But there's always tomorrow , if I see her.
>>9 It's nice knowing I'm not the only person that has this. I hope we can get over it hopefully, even if it does feel impossible.
>>10 Too young to get drunk, but nice to know that you also feel the same way as me.
>>11 I was actually going to be the one to say "I've seen you around", but seemed odd to say at the moment.

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